View Full Version : Guillotine advice

25th October 2009, 07:09 PM
Hello there, I am fairly new to this forum. :)

I am currently in the market for a new guillotine for our workshop, just interested if anyone has any experiences with guillotines that cut <6mm Mild Steel. I have had a look at the HF Metalmasters and they seem good for the price.

Any recommendations?


25th October 2009, 09:19 PM
We have a 6' Hydracut in our workshop ,pretty sure it cuts up to 10mm , its hydraulic .
At the mine where I worked previously , we had an Acrashear ,it would do 5/8" mild steel and up to 1/2" stainless .
Both have powered adjustable back stops .

I think both are Australian made , not sure if they are still being made now because of the influx of cheaper chiwanese stuff.




26th October 2009, 07:09 PM
We have a 6' Hydracut in our workshop ,pretty sure it cuts up to 10mm , its hydraulic .
At the mine where I worked previously , we had an Acrashear ,it would do 5/8" mild steel and up to 1/2" stainless .
Both have powered adjustable back stops .

I think both are Australian made , not sure if they are still being made now because of the influx of cheaper chiwanese stuff.

Acra Machinery | sheet metal equipment, press brakes, guillotines, new and used (http://www.acra.com.au/Category.aspx?Id=45)

HYDRACUT L Series Guillotines (http://www.ronmack.com.au/MachineryDetails/tabid/92/ProductID/140/Default.aspx)


Yeah they still make, them but there very expensive... the Chinese examples seem okay, just not 100% about them.

Thanks for the feedback.

Grahame Collins
26th October 2009, 07:23 PM
Kleen metal working guillotines .
They are Aussie made and found in most Tafe colleges.
They enjoy full back up and after sales support.
If you are looking for quality its Kleen.
They will cost good money but you get what you pay for.

When working for Tafe I always found that even our older machines were well supported. I would not look for much after sales support from HAFCO or other agents of OS imports. You may find yourself in a corner without a machine you can get going quickly when a problem occurs.It is some thing many forget to budget for.

Its all about turnaround time when the brown stuff hits the fan.

Fixed Rake Guilllotines (http://www.kleen.com.au/Page/fixed-rake-guilllotines)


Dave J
27th October 2009, 01:37 AM
I know a company that are building trailers that are having heaps of trouble with their new H/F guillotine. They said the electrics are not any good and are geting different backgage readings on different days? Evedently the boss wouldn't put out for one the more expensive ones.Do not own one myself, but thought I would pass that info on to you.