View Full Version : Yonnee Dazzle and others noteworthy

Wild Dingo
26th October 2009, 11:07 AM
Gidday mates been awhile eh

Okay so now Im settled in the red pindan of the Kimberley Ive been thinking of a camper again... yeah probably should have bought one when I had a good chance but well lets just say other things occupied my mind eh!

So now Im thinking... oh right the other one? well it ended up in bits before I sold the place and the one I built Ive made into a 6x4 box trailer for one of the son in laws... so now Im thinking of making or altering a trailer to fit what I see as my and Joshuas needs.

So Im thinking of either buying or fabricating a 10x5 trailer to my specifications... a car trailer would actually be pretty close to ideal... so thoughts go along the lines of if a bought one sheeting in the floor and building up the sides to about 24in high this then has a lid on it that has a false base with two 6x4 slide outs that would attach to either side for beds of the ground (detachable or fold up legs)... thinking about this after I posted Im now thinking perhaps making the slide outs into the sides of the trailer thus when camping one simply undoes the catches and slides the bed out from under the floor either side legs drop down and thats that!... one could then have a folding tent thing that collapes when its put away... anyway mattresses and swags along with camping fishing gear would store at the rear of the inside the 2ft high space, there would be lift up access into the front section that would house tools and spares... the new base (2ft of the actual deck) would then have 3ft high sides front sections fold down with built in ramps (this top section to house two go carts or beach buggy things) the rear section to house either 2 canoes or a small dinghy... along either side at the front would be 2x water storage (Im thinking about 80litres) and at the rear either side would be 2x fuel storage (again about 80litrs) Front of trailer (over drawbar) would have a spare wheel carrier to house 4x landcruiser spares... oh the wheels on this trailer would be landcruiser of course to match the new landcruiser I now have

Now me being me Im thinking of either beefing it up to meet my insanely overdone standards ie recall the little 6x4 with 6x2RHS subframe? that is the sizeings Im thinking of going with... perhaps even larger? 6x4 perhaps? mmm okay will think about it but Im thinking the subframe being 6x2 would be strong enough

The two side panels for sleeping have an alternative option Im considering that is that they stand side up to make the rear side of the trailer as in the sides of the trailer that house the canoes/dinghy double duty... now Im thinking that as I do want to take young Josh meandering both up here and over east there will no doubt be times when it phisses down with rain... so Im thinking somehow having packup fold out tent like things so that when one lays the sides down for the night a tent structure folds out and thus covering from the eastern states rain :2tsup: this of course could be changed to be a cage like affair that has the front say passenger side with hinges to fold down for access to the buggies and the rear tailgate again folding down for access to the canoes... oh and between the two sections Im thinking of putting a rail at the top of the sides that would have rubber mounts attached for the canoes to be tied down to... mmm okay this could be interesting Im now thinking of making it so the canoes sit ON TOP of the back section thus Id have more room for... STUFF :U and therefore a bloke could if he so wanted to carry such things as generators and other godawful noise makers! but anyway STUFF can be stored in the rear most area eh :2tsup: mmmm again thinking... if one wanted to become a bit of a grey nomad type one could of course carry ones tools and some timber welder etc in that area eh? mmm now that does sound worthy!! Home base here in Broome and become a wanderer doing markets when moneys needed and wandering the scrub when not... Josh at 14 going on 15 would LOVE IT... others would not but that would be their problem we would be too busy LIVING to worry about it :2tsup:

Now thing is Ive no idea if Im heading down the right path and really the only reason Im considering building or modifying is that there is nothing on the market that suits thus one must of necessity make it oneself right? RIGHT!... most seem to be of the 7x4 or 8x5 variety and due to the beach buggy canoe combo he and I are planning on this is simply to small and we would be living out of it for up to a month at a time in the scrub... so again thinking about it a built in ice chest would be handy mmmm okay thinking about it again... where the hell would I fit that?? has to be in the rear most section as the front would need to be stronger than the rear to take the two beach buggies weight... mmmm

So given that the trailer if a mod one would have to be lifted to fit the landcruiser wheels under it is there much difficulty in doing so?

What of the weight issues associated with... mmm there wouldnt be any if its a car trailer right! RIGHT SHANE!! duhhh I mean 2 beach buggy go cart things and a couple of canoes along with sundry camping stuff does not equate to a bloody car you goose! okay mates cancel that thought :2tsup:

Now Im guessing Id have to put brakes on such if I built if from scratch? Any suggestions there? is it difficult problematical etc?

Oh the false floor Im thinking 2mm sheet steel (I think I still have a line on some been awhile but I am slowly sorting things again so will check) and the sub floor or the slide out beds something simple like 1/4in ply slathered in epoxy and fibreglass they are just beds after all :roll: the steel work other than the subframe would be 1in x 1in RHS steel and the ramps for the go carts would be whatever the hell I can scrounge dig up find or steel :;

The rear most section of the trailer would have a slide out barbie on one side... so the fuel carrier must be movable either that or the containers themselves (gerry cans?) so that safety is all aokay

(note: All RHS steel may turn into galvanized depending on pricings)

Now what pray tell have I forgotten in all this? Other than a damned drawing that is and given yous mob have had some experience with me doin this sorta thing before you just know Im gonna be half done before I even begin a drawing!!! :U :U mmm that is unless one of me fine mates with a tad of time on there hands wants to whack something we can muck about with on whatever program your using nowadays which I wont bother even trying to get a handle on using since theyre all over my heads!! draw a pic scan it and post is my method... but hey Im in Broome now and well times at a premium when your in paradise!! :2tsup:

Being a car trailer it should be rated somewhere around 2 or 3 ton right? thats more than enough and I doubt Id load it anywhere near that weight... the reasoning I have for beefing it up or building it heavy is that I dont stay on the road much and tend to veer into some bush track I spot as Im going along so it needs to be strong enough to handle the shyte tracks I wander along sounds about right logical anyways :2tsup:

So there you go what do you reckon? All opinions reviewed and appreciated :2tsup:


26th October 2009, 12:17 PM
Good to hear from you again, Ding.

Just to let you know - the last I heard of Yonnee was when he was posting in this thread (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f184/6-stud-toyota-stub-axles-trailer-101252/). I think that (understandably) he got the 'ump with the discussion and he hasn't logged back in since 29 August. So if you want to get his advice, I suggest you try to get in touch with him using non-Forum methods.

Wild Dingo
26th October 2009, 09:59 PM
ah geez mate thats friggin rough :no: ...havent read the thread you point to but man ol Yonnee was bloody good value :2tsup:

Damn... okay then!!! movin right along dazzle still around? anyone whos done one around?? god Ive been away for too friggin long eh mate :doh:

Ahhh well... just have to go with me gut feelins and gerrinait! :2tsup:


26th October 2009, 10:10 PM
Shane what is it your after a full on camper trailer with all the fittings or just a foldout sleeper. If your dead serious I might even go as far as drawing up plans for a price:q

27th October 2009, 01:47 PM
Hey mate I is around, just at work. I will throw some advice tonight :p

28th October 2009, 10:33 AM
Hi wild

I like your idea. My thoughts would be to build a VERY strong chassis out of 100 x 50 x 2mm that contains the tandem suspension and then a 100 x 50 x 3mm drawbar.

I would then build the frame of the beast out of something much lighter, maybe 50x50x2mm, reinforcing where there is going to be more weight such as where the buggy will sit.

I like to build things to purpose so I would select the 'toys' first and then build around them.

I will have a play on sketchup and post a pic.


28th October 2009, 11:16 AM
How about this kind of thing. Add doors as required :p, ramps for each of the buggies, water and fuel tanks underneath etc;



Wild Dingo
28th October 2009, 03:02 PM
Wow Dazzle mate that was quick as... mmmm heights may be an issue Im thinkin as Im only just on 5ft 6in high reachin may prove a prob with that high a design? I was thinking of keepin it low slung mmmm maybe I should have a go at sketching it freehand meownself?

Sorta all up height of the trailer (to base of the go cart area about 2-3ft from floor of trailer easy managed no real bending (im thinkin overall height to top of go cart floor around 4-4 1/2 ft... and everything on slides and hinges... gocarts and canoe on top...okay gotta measure Im thinkin... but the idea was to have the go carts go in a frame setup... cage if you will cage side folds down and has ramps welded to it thus run the gocart up and ontop then fold up gate and done... have chocks fitted so dopey me wont just keep going through the other side!! :o ) on top of the 2-3ft floor the canoe on top of cage and tied down...

Makes sence?

Yeah I was trying to figure how Id make a camper out of this idea and the best way I can think of is to have either the sides drop down to become the base of the beds with an intrigal fold out tent affair that simply drops with the bed all in one done... have a barbie swing out on one of the sides and draws with storage

Still playing with ideas but the measurements are pretty close to what Id been thinkin only in metric :doh:

Cheers!! :2tsup:

28th October 2009, 06:17 PM
like this one maybe????


Wild Dingo
28th October 2009, 11:29 PM
like this one maybe????


Friggin close!!! :2tsup: Dont plan on the two fridges but a good idea eh... Im sorta thinking to put the go carts on top of that front section... damn thats a bloody good lookin unit!!! :2tsup: Not sure I want the tent thing... just a pain in the bum in my view a lot of friggin around when either a swag will do or else a small foldaway tent affair over each bed area would be better quicker and easier set up... an awning would do for shade and thats simple as a bloody great tarp swung between a couple of trees or poles depending on where we are... easy simple quick and does the trick! :2tsup:

Presently were using a couple of 20x20 tarps for cover and ground sheet tie one off on a tree at the front of the car and one on the back and poles on the outter side Landcruiser drives under throw the other on the ground tie it down or stake it throw the swags under and alls good... bit rough and ready and no bloody good when we head east next year cause I have NO INTENTION of getting bloody wet!! And Ive got nowhere to put the go carts or canoe with the present rig.

That was real close to my ideas... may even snuffle a few to add!! :2tsup:

Kambaldas a bit far to go have a gander :doh:

Keep it coming big fella we'll get there! No worries :2tsup:


6th December 2009, 12:54 PM
Gee's you spend alot of time thinkin'!:;

Good to hear your getting back on your feet.:2tsup:

Yeah, I'm back. Can't spend my whole life letting One bad apple spoil the whole orchard, so I'm here to help.

So what happened to the bus idea? Oh, it's OK, I see from the 6x2 chassis, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THE BUS!!:doh:

Seriously though, you could do alot more of what you want to do with a Dingo modified bus, a car trailer for the Prado (which becomes a boat trailer behind the Prado), roof rack for the boat on the Prado on the trailer, and a tent for the times you want to sleep where the bus wont go.