View Full Version : Some Brazilian Timber

18th November 2009, 09:03 AM
This small table s typical of many species here in Brasil. There are dramatic colour changes in the timber that have nothing to do with heartwood/sapwood.

Don't know the name of this timber and neither did anyone around about.It is as hard as the hobs of hell.

18th November 2009, 12:32 PM
This small table s typical of many species here in Brasil. There are dramatic colour changes in the timber that have nothing to do with heartwood/sapwood.

Don't know the name of this timber and neither did anyone around about.It is as hard as the hobs of hell.

If it's really dense, I'd make the following very unreliable guesses:

1) Swartzia species
2) Chamaecrista scleroxylon
3) Zollernia paraensis

19th November 2009, 05:01 PM

i have read tht some brazilian houses have solid rosewood (DALBERGIA) frames/structures throughout the house ...including furniture pieces

have you come across such houses? i would guess ...built many decades ago ...not the recently built ones...

19th November 2009, 05:16 PM
Pics a bit dark Arthur. I took the liberty of making it a bit lighter, hope you don't mind.
Can see it a bit better now. There are some beautiful timbers where you are, hope you bring a few pieces back with you when you come home. Not forgetting you old friends of course.:D

19th November 2009, 10:42 PM
Thanks old mate. The picwasn´t as dark one my screen but when posted it darkened quite a bit. That is pretty close to the reall colour!.

R3R there are houses here with very spectacular frming. As you say they are older houses. We went to my wife´s cousin´s house last weekendas, unfortunately her husband had died from cancer. The furniture there was all Jacaranda do Bahia. SPECTACULAR STUPHPH.!

19th November 2009, 11:08 PM
thanks for tht artme

when i read tht sort of stuff it always strikes me as sort of urban myth

but it doesn't look like a myth this time!