View Full Version : Faceplates

Tristan Croll
17th June 2000, 08:20 PM
Does anyone know where I can get some faceplates made to order? My lathe is a huge old cast iron thing (no discernable brand) that I managed to get (for $50!!) from my old high school when they upgraded their manual arts centre. However, it only came with one large faceplate and a couple of small ones with holes for two or three small screws, and an expanding chuck.
For most of my purposes, this is completely adequate, however I have no way of cleaning up the base of my bowls since I have no spare faceplate. Also, there are no faceplates which will fit the outboard side.


Tristan Croll
cogito cogito, cogito ergo sum
I think that I think, therefore I think that I am

17th June 2000, 08:51 PM
Any metal or small engineering workshop would help you with this. Just take along your faceplate so they can match the thread and make sure you give them a drawing so they don't forget what you actually want. Ask them to make absolutely sure that the plate is perfectly aligned with the thread. Rick

26th June 2000, 11:23 AM
While strictly not an answer to you specific question and I may have misunderstood what you wish to do.

However have you thought of finishing the base (and possibly the outside) of the bowl up to sanding and oiling etc. while it is on the face plate, then turning it over placing on the chuck and hollowing and finishing the rest of the bowl while on the chuck?

Why not add a piece of timber to your existing face plates and make a temp interim "face plate" for the particular job. This means the bowl etc, is held on the waste timber and that is mounted on the real face plate.