View Full Version : Easter Island

30th November 2009, 11:49 AM
We always see photos of the statues, but here are some of mine this time.

We rarely see any snaps of other parts of the island. Here, at one end of the island is an extinct volcano crater.Quite a drop down there. SWMBO always insists on me being in the photos.

30th November 2009, 12:02 PM
Nice photo's Arthur...............well the first 2 anyway last one with you in it obscures the view :;

Sir Stinkalot
30th November 2009, 08:07 PM
Now that is one place I have always wanted to go to for some reason .... closest thing is seeing one of the statues in the Museum of London ..... What is it like?

30th November 2009, 08:49 PM
Stinky it's a very peaceful and laid back place.very good climate, friendly and helpful locals and the Pacific Ocean there is just gorgeous.Coastline is rugged and beautiful

Agriculture is mainly vegie crops, with some meat raised, There is also good fishing.Thousands of horses roam the island. To me it is an ideal sheep grazing place.

The statues are fascinating. You wonder how they were done.

2-3 days is plenty of time to see all there is to be seen.