View Full Version : DJ is not well

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25th December 2009, 05:08 PM
We sent DJ a quick text this morning, only to discover that he's in hospital..... :oo:

Not life threatening, but some pain. Tummy problems. (I hope it was OK to post this DJ. I'll seek forgiveness, not permission, later).

I know all on the board will be hoping DJ has a quick recovery. I've left a phone message, but no answer thus far. I'll keep you all posted (assuming DJ is OK with it all).

It seems the turning Gods have something against Vicmarc owners..... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

25th December 2009, 05:09 PM
DJ get well soon hope all is ok.

25th December 2009, 05:12 PM
He sent me a PM last night....so hope he's OK.

Sawdust Maker
25th December 2009, 05:19 PM
get better
not good to be in hospital at this time of year

Black Cat
25th December 2009, 05:20 PM
Rotten way to spend Christmas. Hope he is back on his feet in no time then ...

25th December 2009, 06:15 PM
get well soon mate no way to spend christmas

25th December 2009, 06:26 PM
Best wishes DJ for a quick recovery.

25th December 2009, 06:34 PM
Hope all is ok DJ good luck.

The Bleeder
25th December 2009, 06:59 PM
DJ get well, not the best way to spend Xmas

25th December 2009, 07:04 PM
Hope you recover quickly DJ.


DJ’s Timber
25th December 2009, 07:39 PM
Thanks guys. Woke up at 3.00am with severe gut pains. Short story is that I've got gall stones. Will update when I get access to a PC as I'm using my mobile phone and it's a pain to type with.

tea lady
25th December 2009, 08:01 PM
:oo: Bit of an extreme "how to get out of xmas dinner" thing to do. :doh: Hope all is OK! :C

Claw Hama
25th December 2009, 08:07 PM
Merry Christmas DJ, hope you throw those stones mate.

25th December 2009, 10:55 PM
Hope you at least get some pretty nurses to tend to your every desire. :U

Get out quick mate so you can get back into what you'd rather be doing. :2tsup:

Ed Reiss
25th December 2009, 11:26 PM
Santa wasn't nice to give you gall stones :no:

Hope all turns out well DJ ...will say a prayer for ya".

Enfield Guy
25th December 2009, 11:41 PM
Best wishes and a hope for a speedy recovery from me!!!

26th December 2009, 12:15 AM
http://www.woodworkforums.com/members/woodwould/albums/woodwould-s-smilies-1/2613-bugger.gif Sorry to hear of your untimely misfortune DJ. Get well soon.

26th December 2009, 01:10 AM
Get well soon, DJ. Mate look that not a real good chrissy present to give yourself. No seriously get well real quick
bye Toni

26th December 2009, 02:39 AM
Do as told and all will be well - hope the discomfort fades quickly, and that you are back in the shed soon.


26th December 2009, 06:21 AM
get well soon DJ - pain is for people we don't like not friends:2tsup::2tsup:


26th December 2009, 06:22 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery DJ

26th December 2009, 06:42 AM
Get well soon -and get out of hospital sooner - they're full of sick people

26th December 2009, 07:00 AM
Rotten thing to happen DJ. Just get well and out of there as soon as possible.

26th December 2009, 10:12 AM
Can they be turned?

26th December 2009, 10:22 AM
Whats DJ's fav music :D:D - hard rock
Whats DJ's fav Band :D:D - Rolling stones
Whats DJ's fav Song :D:D - rock around the clock

Yep they just keep coming DJ but i am thinking of you.

Ern not sure if you can turn them but they might make a nice inlay in a lidded box or something.

When i worked in the Abattoirs the stones from cows were worth quite a bit of money - would it be aphrodisiac or something?


Cliff Rogers
26th December 2009, 10:34 AM
Get well soon DJ.

26th December 2009, 10:43 AM
All the best DJ.

One of my uncles set his stones in resin and turned a gear shift knob out of them!

26th December 2009, 10:58 AM
DJ, Get well soon.:wink:

26th December 2009, 11:05 AM
Hope you are out of hospital and well again real soon DJ. Not a very nice way to spend Christmas day.

26th December 2009, 11:10 AM
Nice one Calm :D

And DJ's favourite confectionery? Rocky road :rolleyes:

DJ, you can live without a gall bladder but I hope they don't have to snip it out.

A mate had kidney stones - v painful - and they blasted them in place with ultrasonic waves or something.

Sawdust Maker
26th December 2009, 12:26 PM
DJ's favourite desert: rockmelon and icecream :D
and favourite eatery ...

26th December 2009, 12:31 PM
Let's not forget his penchant for Roquefort, the cheese.


Gil Jones
26th December 2009, 01:33 PM
Hey, DJ, get well soon mate, and Merry Christmas.
Save the "stones" and see if you can turn them:)

26th December 2009, 01:57 PM
DJ, all the best for Xmass, and a speedy recovery from the stones.

Hope you can have a few Stones Ginger Wines for Chrissy.


26th December 2009, 02:36 PM
I wish this hadn't started because I'm trying to listen to the cricket - suddenly into my head popped the thought that the favourite cartoon character would have to be "Pebbles Flintstone".


Cliff Rogers
26th December 2009, 03:36 PM
Stone the crows... you blokes have some gall making a joke of it. :rolleyes: :D

26th December 2009, 05:40 PM
Better'n diluting the beer with tears ;-}

So Nick, you were thinking maybe of the Hard Rock cafe?

DJ’s Timber
26th December 2009, 06:44 PM
You guys will keep :roll:

Finally got my laptop here in the Hospital now. Got changed from No Fluids to Free Fluids this morning and had some soup, jelly and ice cream for lunch which then proceeded to flare the pain right back up, so might be here for a bit longer now :C

26th December 2009, 06:48 PM
Wrong fluids mate.

26th December 2009, 07:11 PM
Soup, jelly and ice cream are no substitute for a proper diet of beer, chips and donuts.

No wonder you felt crook.

26th December 2009, 07:18 PM
DJ, I hope they all pass away, otherwise I am sure some of the boys here will come along with their rock hammers and put the problem right.

Grumpy John
26th December 2009, 07:58 PM
Hey DJ, sorry to hear about your medical situation, hope you get well soon. Remember, leave no stone un-turned :rolleyes:.

26th December 2009, 08:55 PM
Hey DJ,
Hope you recover soon. I had 'em, worse than childbirth they say, but SWMBO won't have it. My doc decided to take out the gall bladder but did it with keyhole surgery, 2 nights in hospital and back at work the next week. No more pain.
You picked a lousy time for it but all us lurkers feel for you.

Sawdust Maker
26th December 2009, 09:01 PM

So Nick, you were thinking maybe of the Hard Rock cafe?

yup! :D

and what's he got on his porch? - pebblecrete! :rolleyes:

Sorry DJ :B

I can only hope that they fix you up pretty quickly - pain aint good :((

27th December 2009, 12:14 AM
Favourite Elvis song - Jail House Rock

What's worse than gall stones? Rocks in the head.

27th December 2009, 07:59 AM
Get well soon DJ. Three nips of op rum should fix you up.best for 2010:)

27th December 2009, 09:47 AM
DJ these blokes are all bastwerds stirring you up giving you Curry, Yoghurt is the answer.

Aunt had 46 of them.

Now there would be a problem does the DR allow them to group together amalgamate and form one solid mass and let them pass naturally gives knew meaning to shyting bricks.

Now something that size would make easy a doz pens ( will it be oil finish or CA) no way would I be putting that pen in my mouth :oo: :no:. Maybe a salt and pepper shaker

Mr Brush
27th December 2009, 09:56 AM
I had a mate with the same problem - they used an ultrasonic doodad to break the stones up so that they would pass naturally.

Of course, from that day on he was known far and wide as "pebbledash".....:D

Get well soon DJ !!

27th December 2009, 10:35 AM
As its Sunday, maybe we should sing a hymn for DJ.
Everybody know the words to Rock of Ages ?

27th December 2009, 11:02 AM
They say amber liquid dissolves the stones trouble is its Apple Juice not the other amber liquid DJ:;

DJ is a heavy Rocker :U he shakes rattles and rolls :roll:
The standing near DJ thought he was shaking the Marraca's

27th December 2009, 11:39 AM
Not to forget that he now has new/old favourite TV program called "The Rock Follies" :D

Get well soon mate.


27th December 2009, 01:19 PM
Not to forget that he now has new/old favourite TV program called "The Rock Follies" :D

Get well soon mate.


Sure its not Rockwiz or cartoon Fraggle Rock

DJ isn't it terrible not only is the Dr invading your private space :)(:bartmoon: but the forumites also

27th December 2009, 02:59 PM
Sure its not Rockwiz or cartoon Fraggle Rock

DJ isn't it terrible not only is the Dr invading your private space :)(:bartmoon: but the forumites also

Could be what you mention as well :U

The one I was referring to was the one which appeared to launch Julie Covington [the original Evita]

Rock Follies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Follies)

Brilliant TV program :2tsup:

tea lady
27th December 2009, 05:04 PM
All the best DJ.

One of my uncles set his stones in resin and turned a gear shift knob out of them!:C At least the girl friend wouldn't wan to drive the car.:rolleyes::D

As long as you don't get Moss as well. Then you'll really be stuck.

Manuka Jock
27th December 2009, 08:10 PM
Yep , like they say DJ , ultrasound treatment does it . The vibration shatters the stones into fragments ....... but wheres the fun in that eh :p

Chuck a big lump of wood on the lathe , crank it up till shes' rockin' , grab ya biggest roughing gouge , and have at it .
You'll blow them stones to powder in no time mate :D

Black Cat
27th December 2009, 08:19 PM
I had my gall bladder removed. It was a relatively minor op and saved all those excruciating pains curled up in bed sweating while clutching a hotwater bottle to my tum and pretending not to sob. I can really recommend it if your doctor suggests it as an option. No problems since I have to say, and not terribly many scars either as they do it as a laparoscopy these days (three incisions, about an inch across. Recovery time depends on your state of health, but I was back in action within three weeks (they say six, but don't believe them).

DJ’s Timber
27th December 2009, 08:30 PM
Doc today says that we'll be removing the gall bladder but they're hoping that it'd settle down first, will find out more tomorrow

27th December 2009, 08:42 PM
Better than what's happening to you now Mate.


tea lady
27th December 2009, 09:04 PM
Doc today says that we'll be removing the gall bladder but they're hoping that it'd settle down first, will find out more tomorrow:C Oh well! It won't happen again after that.:rolleyes: That's what Groggy just had isn't it? :? He seems to have come through OK! :cool::D There might even be some gory pics here somewhere.:D

28th December 2009, 11:26 AM
look at that two days and 6 pages of love.....doesn't that warm your heart.

And at a time when most people are off line for a few days.

get well DJ.

remember to ask for the stones:D

Anybody done a gall stone and resin pen:2tsup:


dai sensei
28th December 2009, 07:57 PM
Gee DJ, just heard.

Know how you feel, I had to have my gall bladder out 6 months ago after passing out on the kitchen floor.

Hope your op goes well and things settle down again for you. Just remember, no heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks after - nothing over 4kgs that is.

For me it was a good way of dieting :U, nor more really rich food or excess food :no:

28th December 2009, 09:10 PM
How'd I miss this?

All the best from this side of the ditch and get well soon.

Sawdust Maker
28th December 2009, 09:27 PM
another favourite band: Queen singing - "We will rock you" :D

and ... favourite movie ... Monty Python's "The Life of Brian" :rolleyes:

what's today's update ?

29th December 2009, 08:38 AM
what's today's update ?

:roflmao::lolabove::rofl: I know you didn't even mean that but I reckon Dr will shortly as will DJ :o

Evan Pavlidis
30th December 2009, 05:21 AM
Get well real soon DJ....all the best to ya.

Cheers, Evan

Sawdust Maker
30th December 2009, 11:24 AM
Thank's Wheelin' :doh:

Rum Pig
30th December 2009, 03:24 PM
Just read this I hope all is going as best they can and you have a speedy recovery:)
Not a nice way to spend the festive season so I will do my best and drink your fair share it will just have to be in rum not VB it is the least I can do:D:D:D

:roflmao::lolabove::rofl: I know you didn't even mean that but I reckon Dr will shortly as will DJ :o
I like the way you think wheelin:U:U:U:U

30th December 2009, 06:20 PM
All the very best for your op and recovery DJ.


Allan at Wallan
30th December 2009, 07:32 PM
:C Oh well! It won't happen again after that.:rolleyes: That's what Groggy just had isn't it? :? He seems to have come through OK! :cool::D There might even be some gory pics here somewhere.:D

Tis the season to be jolly etc. etc.

Groggy and I were having a race to see who got their gall bladder out
first and he won.

Now DJ has entered the contest and been put on hold to see if it
settles down.

I was given two months for it to settle down and now the operation is
scheduled for February 2nd.

Victoria will be full of unwanted gall bladders at this rate.:D


30th December 2009, 08:05 PM
Tis the season to be jolly etc. etc.

Groggy and I were having a race to see who got their gall bladder out
first and he won.

Now DJ has entered the contest and been put on hold to see if it
settles down.

I was given two months for it to settle down and now the operation is
scheduled for February 2nd.

Victoria will be full of unwanted gall bladders at this rate.:D


Allan Victoria is full of it Gall as well

DJ’s Timber
30th December 2009, 08:15 PM
Now DJ has entered the contest and been put on hold to see if it
settles down.

I was given two months for it to settle down and now the operation is
scheduled for February 2nd.

And I may beat you too Allan :q was told today that they would book me in for 3 weeks time.

But a lot of this also depends on tomorrows ultrasound as one of my blood test has indicated that one of the stones has moved and that if it has as feared, they will have to send me to Box Hill Hospital to remove the stone as it could cause an infection, reason for Box Hill is because they have to go down through my mouth :o which they can't do here at Maroondah.

30th December 2009, 08:25 PM
And I may beat you too Allan :q was told today that they would book me in for 3 weeks time.

But a lot of this also depends on tomorrows ultrasound as one of my blood test has indicated that one of the stones has moved and that if it has as feared, they will have to send me to Box Hill Hospital to remove the stone as it could cause an infection, reason for Box Hill is because they have to go down through my mouth :o which they can't do here at Maroondah.

Whats the worry there DJ as long as the Dr washes his hands first :; besides there is a photo here somewhere that shows plenty of wide open space

30th December 2009, 08:37 PM
Tis the season to be jolly etc. etc.

Groggy and I were having a race to see who got their gall bladder out
first and he won.

Now DJ has entered the contest and been put on hold to see if it
settles down.

I was given two months for it to settle down and now the operation is
scheduled for February 2nd.

Victoria will be full of unwanted gall bladders at this rate.:D


And not one funny line Allan:?:?

All the best mate - i personally wouldn't stoop low enough to make fun of a sick friend.:no::no:


30th December 2009, 08:58 PM
Going down by the mouth beats the alternative DJ. Just make sure he takes his watch off first :wink:

If you get in before Allan he will be mighty miffed. He has had to wait a long time for his to be fixed. I reckon that by the time Alan's is removed there will be nothing wrong with it :o

30th December 2009, 09:00 PM
And I may beat you too Allan :q was told today that they would book me in for 3 weeks time.

But a lot of this also depends on tomorrows ultrasound as one of my blood test has indicated that one of the stones has moved and that if it has as feared, they will have to send me to Box Hill Hospital to remove the stone as it could cause an infection, reason for Box Hill is because they have to go down through my mouth :o which they can't do here at Maroondah.

Been a few days off line, late well wishes from me. As chance wants it, a long time neighbour and friend is in your same predicament, and has told me all about the various procedures. If you can fix it with the endoscopic one you mention it's a real bonus. Good luck.

30th December 2009, 09:03 PM
And not one funny line Allan:?:?

All the best mate - i personally would stoop low enough to make fun of a sick friend.:no::no:


Was this voluntary sick humour or a Freudian slip? :D:D

woodchip wally
30th December 2009, 09:08 PM
Get well soon DJ cheers for now ww.wally

Allan at Wallan
31st December 2009, 09:25 AM
Whats the worry there DJ as long as the Dr washes his hands first :; besides there is a photo here somewhere that shows plenty of wide open space

As Kamahl once said, "Why are people so unkind?" :D


Ed Reiss
31st December 2009, 01:06 PM
...you guys have a lot of "gall" makin' jokes about a dire situation !!!:o

Hang in there DJ ...the docs usually know what their doing. :rolleyes::D:D:D

Cliff Rogers
31st December 2009, 02:28 PM
...you guys have a lot of "gall" makin' jokes about a dire situation !!!:o

Hang in there DJ ...the docs usually know what their doing. :rolleyes::D:D:D
Stone the crows Ed... I already did that pun. :D

tea lady
31st December 2009, 07:13 PM
And I may beat you too Allan :q was told today that they would book me in for 3 weeks time.

But a lot of this also depends on tomorrows ultrasound as one of my blood test has indicated that one of the stones has moved and that if it has as feared, they will have to send me to Box Hill Hospital to remove the stone as it could cause an infection, reason for Box Hill is because they have to go down through my mouth :o which they can't do here at Maroondah.Hope everything is OK, now that its tomorrow. :U

Jim Carroll
31st December 2009, 08:57 PM
DJ sorry to have missed you over the weekend you were missed by all.

Hope all goes well soon.

31st December 2009, 09:18 PM
hope all under control by now dj all the best for the new year just keep on looking at the bright side of it all cheers jd

Ed Reiss
1st January 2010, 01:14 AM
Stone the crows Ed... I already did that pun. :D

:huh::noway::oops::omg::booboo::sorry2::sueme: :D

1st January 2010, 09:04 AM
OK Ed, didjaget Cliff's pun this time??

Do we neeed to explain anything for your personal edification and Errordition and all that academick stuphpph?:?:?:?

1st January 2010, 10:47 AM
...which they can't do here at Maroondah.

Bugger :doh: I could have dropped in if I had read this earlier. Poor bloke being in at Maroondah :o

1st January 2010, 11:23 AM
All the best for the new year Dj . The worst thing about surgery is that you have some smiling bugger cuts you open , then you have to say thank you to them and to top it of then pay them for the privelige . Next time watch out what you eat at Grumpy johns .

Ed Reiss
1st January 2010, 12:14 PM
OK Ed, didjaget Cliff's pun this time??

Do we neeed to explain anything for your personal edification and Errordition and all that academick stuphpph?:?:?:?

...of course Art...don't all us Americans ? :;

DJ’s Timber
1st January 2010, 06:52 PM
Well I'm back at Maroondah Hospital after having an ERCP performed on me at Box Hill Hospital, unfortunately they were not able to get at the stone in question but inserted a stent in the bile duct which has made a big difference and I'm no longer jaundiced or in pain.

I guess I find out the rest when the doc does the next lot of rounds.

Sawdust Maker
1st January 2010, 08:29 PM
... and I'm no longer jaundiced or in pain.

I guess I find out the rest when the doc does the next lot of rounds.

That's good to hear DJ

unfortunately it's a long weekend so you probably won't see the Dr until after the golf round on Wednesday :doh:

1st January 2010, 08:45 PM
Well I'm back at Maroondah Hospital after having an ERCP performed on me at Box Hill Hospital, unfortunately they were not able to get at the stone in question but inserted a stent in the bile duct which has made a big difference and I'm no longer jaundiced or in pain.

I guess I find out the rest when the doc does the next lot of rounds.

Don't worry, at the worst that might mean that in case of operation they will not feel comfortable operating laparoscopically (3 small cuts) and prefer the tried and true (one larger cut) which is safer but requires a slightly longer recovery period. Again, best wishes.

DJ’s Timber
1st January 2010, 08:59 PM
Don't worry, at the worst that might mean that in case of operation they will not feel comfortable operating laparoscopically (3 small cuts) and prefer the tried and true (one larger cut) which is safer but requires a slightly longer recovery period. Again, best wishes.

They will be doing the operation laparoscopically at a later date to remove the gall bladder, but they can't do it whilst the gall bladder is inflammed. The stay in hospital now is about getting the pain settled but took a bit longer due to the blocked bile duct, hence the trip to BH to get the the stone removed via ERCP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endoscopic_retrograde_cholangiopancreatography) but they weren't able to get at it so they put a stent in the bile duct to clear the blockage

Sawdust Maker
1st January 2010, 09:18 PM

if they remove the stent later, see if you can get it - might make an interesting pen :D

DJ’s Timber
2nd January 2010, 08:30 PM
Now DJ has entered the contest and been put on hold to see if it
settles down.

I was given two months for it to settle down and now the operation is
scheduled for February 2nd.

And I may beat you too Allan :q was told today that they would book me in for 3 weeks time.

And it looks like I'll beat you too Allan :q just been told that they'll be taking mine out on Tuesday :2tsup:

2nd January 2010, 08:34 PM
Good luck DJ at least now the surgeon will be sobber :U Maybe by then we will see some photo's of Kiewa :;

DJ’s Timber
2nd January 2010, 08:40 PM
Maybe by then we will see some photo's of Kiewa :;

I wouldn't hold my breathe on that one, think TL is still nursing a hangover :roll: so it might be a while yet :doh: :U

Allan at Wallan
2nd January 2010, 08:48 PM
And it looks like I'll beat you too Allan :q just been told that they'll be taking mine out on Tuesday :2tsup:

Yeah, right, so it looks like I will come last again.:D


tea lady
2nd January 2010, 10:54 PM
Good luck DJ at least now the surgeon will be sobber :U Maybe by then we will see some photo's of Kiewa :;

I wouldn't hold my breathe on that one, think TL is still nursing a hangover :roll: so it might be a while yet :doh: :U:shutup: I'm getting there.:C:D

3rd January 2010, 10:40 PM
What a way to spend the festive season!!! :oo::~
Hope it all goes well for you DJ :2tsup:

DJ’s Timber
4th January 2010, 02:26 PM
Well things have changed again :gaah:

I have been discharged and currently sitting at my folks house.

The operation was cancelled, due to some missing reports that didn't accompany my return from Box Hill after the ERCP, the Doc wasn't aware of a couple of things and said that if I was to have the Gall Bladder out tomorrow and that by chance there was still a stone in me, it could be problematic for me. So I have been booked in as an outpatient on Wednesday for an MRCP (http://www.mydr.com.au/tests-investigations/magnetic-resonance-cholangiopancreatography-mrcp) and then we'll progress from there.