View Full Version : Best mate's wife has 6-12months

dai sensei
28th December 2009, 07:47 PM
I was planning a quiet week of turning at home, but my best mate at Bega NSW rang on Saturday in a bad way. He just got the news his SWIMBO has 6-12 months :oo:, kemo for her cancer (that I didn't even know about) is not working, and tumour (stomach) has increased in size 3 times.

I was packed and on my way down in 1 hour. Can only stay till Friday, but at least I can be here to assist in any way I can. Rough times ahead.

28th December 2009, 07:57 PM
Gee's Neil may you be a tower for them your a good mate not many would do that.

I have a friend who has been doing his darnedest for kids with cancer for many years. he's the fellow on the right in the pic Col Reynolds $6m Gift to Sick Kids - Oncology Children’s Foundation (http://www.ocf.com.au/index/3/article/95)

When will we see and end to this scurge.

28th December 2009, 09:34 PM
Dear Neil,

That's both heartbreaking and sobering. Best Wishes and Prayers for your friend and his wife, and for you with your mercy-flight. What a struggle for them to find any meaning in the midst of it. He'll never forget this Christmas. How gut-wrenching... :(

When will we see and end to this scurge.
Wheelin', it is certainly incredible when you think about how many people the average Joe either personally knows, or knows about, who have the cursed thing. Doesn't just kill either - leaves personal-wreckage and the destroyed-lives of the still-living in its wake. They always seem to be decent people, too...

Batpig :(.

29th December 2009, 05:28 AM
Not good Neil!! :no::no::no:

Regards to you and certainly to your mate, he is lucky to have you as a friend.

29th December 2009, 08:22 AM
A hell of a situation your mate and his wife is in, terrible being given a death sentence like that. My heart goes out to them, especially as I am a lucky one having survived cancer (at least so far) let's hope they will cherish the time they still have together.

At least he has you as a mate to help him through these difficult times.


Old farmer
29th December 2009, 02:00 PM
I admire you, Neil. Good on you, a true mate.

Hope something good comes for you all.

29th December 2009, 02:14 PM
Having a good mate with a good sholder is a good thing , our thoughts go with you , and I'm sure I speak for the members here anything we can do just call

John Saxton
29th December 2009, 02:33 PM
Neil commisserations on the news from your mate.

Having you there for him will be an extra shoulder for him bear this terrible news.

Whilst there is life, there is also hope no matter how fragile the circumstances so bear this in mind that we're there for you also.


29th December 2009, 07:55 PM
Good on you for lending support. I think many people have their share of fair weather friends but we are truly blessed to have those who stand up to be counted on when the going gets really tough.

dai sensei
30th December 2009, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the comments and PM's, I'll pass the thoughts on.

She has given up treatment as she wants to enjoy the time she has left. They have planned trip to Tassy to see her sister and houseboat trip in coming month. then see how her condition is from there. Like most loving couples, they each care more about the other than themselves.

He is killing himself with working on the house & yard at the moment, trying to get all those jobs she asked to be done, done before she goes. Yesterday I helped pull down and relocate the old fence, in preparartion for the new retaining wall & fence the contractor will build. He needed the old fence relocated so the dog was still contained whilst the contractor worked.

Got him to talk about it only a few times, I won't push the issue, has to be in his own time. She is very worried he will spiral into depression when she goes, and is probably right. I have reassured her I will be down again then and will drag him back with me if need be. I have long service coming due soon, so thinking about extending out that camping/fishing/diving/timber collecting trip and taking him with me.


30th December 2009, 01:42 PM
Good on you Neil,
your friend will need you more down the track than just now. Keep being supportive and be strong for them both. Sometimes it the things you do rather than what you say. It may be something that you think is very basic that can have the greatest impact.
with respect

31st December 2009, 02:58 PM
Good on you Neil. with all your own crosses to bear that you can find it in yourself, to make a long, lonely Journey to help support a mate in need. Just being there is enough to lighten the load at this time ,and your proposed future plans will certainly help ease some pain at a sad time ,sometimes the uncertainty of life is worse than the actuality but not always :( . Have a safe trip back my friend ~ John

tea lady
31st December 2009, 07:04 PM
:C Such bad news Neil! Your friend is luck to have you as a freind. All the best, in the circumstances, to you both!

31st December 2009, 07:40 PM
...onya Neil...a true mate is the best medicine for both of them.
For him, a shoulder to lean and cry on when the time comes...
...and the wifey, knowing he will be alright because of you,and she has someone to confide in and make her feel a bit more at ease.


dai sensei
3rd January 2010, 05:53 PM
I'm back after two days heavy Xmas holiday traffic, got to be back at work Monday :((

All was going well until new years eve when they realised they were celebrating the coming of the year she will die, then all things turned to sh_t again. Plenty of friends around to help, but obviously hard time are still ahead.

They are off on holidays in tassy to see her sister and visit some old childhood sites where she grew up. Hopefully the good times will prevale and things pick up. She's flying whilst he drives and drops/picks her up from airport (she couldn't handle road trip). I've given him my timber shopping list :rolleyes:.

Now all I can do is ring once and a while to check on them, but otherwise wait for that "other" call, before I must drive back :C

6th January 2010, 08:39 PM
Sorry to hear the bad news Neil. In these situations there is not much one can say.