View Full Version : Self Powered Sander

Barbara Gill
23rd May 2000, 02:57 AM
Do any of you all use the Self Powered Sander developed by Vic Wood? What do you think of it?

23rd May 2000, 07:09 AM

Yes I do. Best thing since sliced bread and I wish I could work half as well. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

Shane Watson
23rd May 2000, 09:34 AM
I don't have one ( yet http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif ) but have seen them work. Well worth the investment.


Barbara Gill
23rd May 2000, 11:46 AM
Thanks guys. It is really neat getting my question of today answered tomorrow. <G>

Shane Watson
23rd May 2000, 05:42 PM
Yeah Barbara, us Aussies are always ahead of ourselfs http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif


24th May 2000, 01:44 AM
G'day Barbara

Do yourself a favour and get one they are fantastic. I take it you have seen the info in the site if not click here (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/rotary.htm)

Sanding to 320 grit gives you about the same result as sanding to around 800 grit by hand only there are no sanding marks visible on the surface. A 10" bowl will take approx two minutes to sand from 80 grit to 320 with the most amazing results.

The only thing better is to finish off the sanding process with EEE-Ultra Shine (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/eee.htm) then (for the sake of an extra 20 seconds work) you will have an exhibition quality surface which has been abraded to around 2000 grit. What better surface could you have to build your finish on.

By the way. There will shortly be a lambs wool polishing pad available for the buff. I picked up a prototype a couple of days ago. It is really great.

Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

Barbara Gill
24th May 2000, 03:17 AM
No Neil, I had not seen the site. One of the turning catalogs I get had one on sale and since it was developed in your country I thought what better place to ask. :-)

You all have been very helpful; I plan on ordering one today.

Barbara Gill
27th May 2000, 09:41 PM
You all were right I love the sander! Thanks.

1st June 2000, 01:59 AM
I found this interesting too. Any one give me a rough price for this item?
Also what the replacement sanding disks cost too because I can't see myself cutting neat disks with scissors!

Barbara Gill
1st June 2000, 05:05 AM
I bought it for $39.95 US from Packard Woodworks in NC (USA). e-mail [email protected]. I also bought the discs from the same source.

[This message has been edited by Barbara Gill (edited 01 June 2000).]

Jim Carroll
2nd June 2000, 12:16 AM
Rotary Sander $45.00
75mm discs 80g - 320g $2.50/ pack of 5
Available from Carrolls Woodcraft Supplies
03 5251 3874

Turn it up

Jim Carroll
2nd June 2000, 12:18 AM
Rotary Sander $45.00
75mm discs 80g - 320g $2.50/ pack of 5
Available from Carrolls Woodcraft Supplies
03 5251 3874 [email protected]

Turn it up

John Saxton
30th June 2000, 08:34 PM
These are a great implement to add to your woodturning arsenal and a terrific way to save skin on your knuckles.
My one complaint with them is that I wish that they had of appeared years before whereby I attended a woodturning seminar where Richard Raffin was demonstrating the employment of a right angled Black and Decker drill to achieve the same purpose in bowl finishing etc.I could have saved myself some serious dollars had I known these were on the horizon.I am happy with the drill though as it gives me that versatility in the workshop with it's uniqueness.As far as the discs go for the sanding pads I have saved some money by getting a 2" and a 3" Wad Punch for next to nothing in a buy and sell column and have been able to cut my own sanding discs since and in the range of grit sizes that I require. It is well worth your while to peruse the barter marts etc for these tools as they are generally of good quality and retain their edge.


[This message has been edited by John Saxton (edited 30 June 2000).]