View Full Version : Need Some Help

11th January 2010, 03:22 PM
hey guys i am new to this forum as well as new to woodturning. my father and i are trying to turn some duck calls and are having some trouble. First, we are having problems with the wood sliping on the pen mandrel, but that doesn't seem to be our biggest problem. After first using a drill press to make sure we have a centered hole, we are still constantly getting calls with an eccentric hole. Any ideas on what we are doing wrong?

Rum Pig
11th January 2010, 03:30 PM
I have never made duck calls before and can not help but if you do wish for some help I would suggest taking photos and give a step by step of how you make them so that one of these experienced turners can give you the best advice.

Best of luck:2tsup:

11th January 2010, 03:41 PM
Hi Fergie
Give us some ides of hole size etc.What are you drilling them out with(type of drill)
You may need a good quality Forstner bit,
Duck callers---- Cant you go quack quack hear ducky or something like that.It would be hard to make money telling people that I surpose.
Yeh give us a photo of a bad duck caller and think of an idea for you:2tsup:

Gil Jones
11th January 2010, 04:09 PM
I have never made a duck call, but if you are in Mississippi, look at this web site.
http://www.pennstateind.com/ [/URL]
Also, here are the directions on making a duck call that is sold by Penn State Ind.
(are you using those tapered "jam bushings"?).
[URL]http://www.pennstateind.com/library/PKGCALL2_ins.pdf (http://www.pennstateind.com/store/barrel-trimming-system.html)
Good luck


11th January 2010, 10:38 PM
Have a look here http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=turning+duck+calls&search_type=&aq=f

12th January 2010, 12:04 AM
........... but that doesn't seem to be our biggest problem. After first using a drill press to make sure we have a centered hole, we are still constantly getting calls with an eccentric hole. Any ideas on what we are doing wrong?Just a long shot but if you don't have the blank clamped solid while you're drilling it, the bit will tend to follow the grain and might be wandering sideways - particularly if you're using standard twist drills - Brad-point bits stay on track better. :shrug:

Manuka Jock
12th January 2010, 12:35 AM
hey guys i am new to this forum as well as new to woodturning. my father and i are trying to turn some duck calls and are having some trouble. First, we are having problems with the wood sliping on the pen mandrel, but that doesn't seem to be our biggest problem. After first using a drill press to make sure we have a centered hole, we are still constantly getting calls with an eccentric hole. Any ideas on what we are doing wrong?
What does 'Location MS " mean ?

12th January 2010, 05:33 AM
You mean Australia is NOT the world capital of duck call turning?

BTW, welcome to the forum Fergie. Dunno about duck calls, but lots of knowledge, experience, and helpful folks here.

Ed Reiss
12th January 2010, 01:14 PM
Hi Fergie,

When using a mandrel to turn a blank there are a few things to consider.

Make sure that the bushings are tight at both ends
Cutting tool needs to be sharp
Proper cutting technique used (scraping will result in the blank slipping a lot more than having the bevel rub and tool edge cutting)

An alternate method of mounting the blank instead of on a smooth mandrel is to use a pin chuck, which will actually hold much better than a smooth surface mandrel.

Here is a link to a page describing a pin chuck for turning bottle stoppers, but can also be adapted to duck call blanks.

Powered by Google Docs (http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:ESASUjiM5ukJ:www.inlandwoodturners.org/pages/BottleStoppers.pdf+pin+chuck&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjyCSkEJ_utKzsgj52s70ko9_7Jv3oYenZmHIfehf2-rbtS-wWLUUA7TEEu7LYr00jH1Zkb2Cy-o9iHNv1tozpfCtr0wZFlBqigr3ynzdLjBprdT1jHQmFNl0BauXF9a5mj0O40&sig=AHIEtbST1kOg_VlBTLwWmRZHTPtAg933pQ)

Good luck.