View Full Version : segmented bowl

28th August 2004, 09:15 PM
hello i was wondering if anyone good evaluate my bowl. As i have to get evaluations from fellow woodworkers. The bowl is made from redgum and stringybark. Sorry the pictures are not of the bowl finished as it is at school and i don't have a picture of it yet.

30th August 2004, 10:03 AM
I'm only a beginner but I think it's good work. You've got more patience than I do! With that level of commitment you will turn out some very good projects in the future.
Could I suggest that next time you do a segmented bowl get another blank and rough turn a bowl. Cut the rim off as a complete ring and use it as the top segment. Segmented bowls are a bit too busy if you know what I mean. (too much of a good thing is too much.) Cutting a ring to be used as the rim and maybe even forming a base out of the same timber would break up the bowl and frame the segments.

30th August 2004, 01:06 PM

Looks like a good start. Take it from one who has done a number of these over some years, that the negative comments usually come from "purists", who are unlikely ever to take the time and care that this work requires. I generally find that the public adores them.

Get on the internet, as there are a number of sites with great techniques to reduce the complexity, as well as numerous ideas, and amazing designs and finished articles.
