View Full Version : The mailman arrived ...

18th January 2010, 11:56 PM
... bearing a large box with a US stamp.

I opened it between appointments, and then had to put it away until the end of the day.

But then!!! I had a couple of hours in the workshop, and there were these two boxes inside the big box from ....


This was my birthday present from the family (relax, it was last week).

Harvey Peace tenon and dovetail saws in African Blackwood. This is my favourite design. And the brass/wood combination is just stunning. I know the pictures do not do justice to the handwork here. They really don't come better than this!

Dovetail saw: 20 ppi and 0.018" plate



I just had to do a few test cuts. Oh Lordy.. this is the smoothest dovetail saw I have yet used. Not the fastest, but fast enough. But the smoothest. I grabbed a piece of 1/8" thick Jarrah and sliced this up easily. Then I tried s 3/4" Tasmanian Oak board (this is essentially the same as White Oak), and after a few test cuts was peeling off slices 1/16" inch thick. See for yourself ...


The tenon saw is 16" and 10 ppi. I wanted a longer saw than my 14" Nurse. The test cut above was done quickly but I know this is going to be a love affair.



Thanks Mike!

Regards from Perth


19th January 2010, 12:39 AM
Oh man, those are incredibly good looking saws. :2tsup: I highly appreciate that blackwood as well. I can say from my own experience it is one very tough and strong wood, and looks absolutely great.

With the tenon saw, the upper rivet/screw seems to go through the brass back. The fitting has to be perfect. Is that a common feature with those Harvey Peace saws?


I have tried to make a backsaw with screw going through the brass back, and it ended up twisting and rotating the back sideways. Fitting was quite good, but tightening the screw caused asymmetric deformation of the slot. Since then I've went for screws going through the blade only. The back is just a weight and a stringer.



19th January 2010, 12:39 AM
Hey Derek,

Some really nice looking saws there, I can only imagine how beautiful they look in the flesh, Now I see how you do such impressive work. I will have to come up to Perth one day and have a look at your workshop.

bye the way I can't see where you plug them in:o


19th January 2010, 08:05 AM
My envy is tempered by the thought of having to sharpen all those saws you are accumulating.


Many happy returns!

19th January 2010, 09:10 AM
wow Derek, they are beautiful saws
and Happy Birthday

19th January 2010, 02:41 PM
Congratulations Derek,

Beautiful saws, the 16" Harvey Peace tenon style is one I particularily like, the extra length is just the thing. Does the top screw go through the spine?

Your choice of African Blackwood looks perfect.


Rhys Cooper
19th January 2010, 05:50 PM