View Full Version : The Art of Japanese Carpentry Drawing by Chris Hall

30th January 2010, 02:54 AM
Chris has just put his very comprehensive essay on the subject for sale on Ebay.
Link: The Art of Japanese Carpentry Drawing, Volume I and II - eBay (item 330399841847 end time Feb-27-10 13:44:57 PST) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330399841847#ht_500wt_1182)

Its a PDF document so you pay and its in your email inbox (a link to the download) in a jiffy.

Here's a link to his blog for anyone who doesn't know Chris and wants to see the level he operates at:
the Carpentry Way (http://thecarpentryway.blogspot.com/)

Even if you don't buy his book, his blog is a wealth of info on many aspects of carpentry/woodworking/architecture.


31st January 2010, 12:35 AM
Heck, Steve, I didn't have that money to spend. And yet... would have been a fool not to.
Thanks for those links! Hope you're well.

31st January 2010, 01:49 AM
Heck, Steve, I didn't have that money to spend. And yet... would have been a fool not to.
Thanks for those links! Hope you're well.

Hi Becky,

And its a PDF so you can't even cook it and eat it.:no: But I suppose you could burn it:U

I'm well, thanks. How about you? Keeping busy I hope.

This is a bit off topic, but here:
Rescue of a Great Horned Owl (http://www.halifaxfieldnaturalists.ca/posts/2010/Owl/index.html)

is yours truly in action.

31st January 2010, 04:38 AM
Yeah, I kinda hate that -- will have to print it out (only, what... ten or twelve printer cartridges?) for use. No Kinko's near here, damn it. ;-)

Lovely link to the Great Horned. What a magnificent bird! And I love a happy ending.:D
Thanks for that!

31st January 2010, 10:42 AM
His blog is a very interesting read. I've book marked it for future reference - alot to take in!

31st January 2010, 11:49 AM
Exactly what I did, Rattrap -- pretty intensive reading. Although he said in an e-mail to me (quite a personable guy) that eventually he hopes to have all the essentials in future volumes. Hope he finds a sufficient market for it to be worth his doing that: I know we'll all be waiting impatiently by our in-boxes.

And it certainly would be nice if he came out with bound editions in the future -- the PDFs are fine on the computer, but mighty expensive to print out.

1st February 2010, 07:34 PM
I'm not sufficiently into Japanese joinery to buy his PDF publication, but an impressive blog site which I have also bookmarked. Respect his approach to things so will be back from time to time to see what's he is thinking about.

Thanks for the link, Steve.
