View Full Version : Carbatec 10inch CT-250

9th September 2004, 04:31 PM
I kicked the tyres on the Carbatec 10" tablesaw listed in the catalog as CT-250 (p52 of 2004 catalog). I was pleasantly suprised at the apparent quality of the unit, from my limited understanding of what I was seeing.

Does anyone out there possess one of these beasties, and would they care to comment on it's flaws, beauties and foibles?

journeyman Mick
9th September 2004, 10:42 PM
Do you mean the mini panel saw? (sorry haven't got the catalogue to hand) The CT 250 TS?


10th September 2004, 10:27 AM
I was just about to post a question about this very saw. I looked at it a couple of days ago nd was also reasonably impressed with what I saw. Naturally I would love something like the TSC-10HB but thta is too much saw and too much money for my needs.
Looking at the catalogue afterwards I notice that this saw is described as having a universal motor rather than an induction motor. If this is so then does that make it much noisier than induction motor saws?

I also dropped in to Major Woodworking Eqpt in Sydney to look at the Jet contractor style saws but they didnt have anything smaller/cheaper than the Supersaw at $1995

10th September 2004, 10:48 AM
wondering that myself, I found this


and some posts on this forum as well which suggest that the CT-250 would be as noisy as a triton, because it's about the same sort of motor as a circular saw.

bah. back to the drawing board :(