View Full Version : WT tips in Fine Woodworking

24th March 2010, 01:55 PM
Users used to send in their tips and there's a old compilation publication from all branches of WW.

Several pages on turning which are fascinating.

Someone pinched 's trick of using a hose (aka jubilee) clamp to set a regularly used depth of the tool post in the banjo.

The donut chuck makes an appearance.

Also a friction drive for finishing off the bottom of a natural edge bowl. Mount an old engine valve in a jacobs chuck, top with a disc of outdoor carpet and place the hollowed out bowl over it, with tailstock support.

To get an accurate spindle taper, mount the piece and turn the ends to the larger and smaller ODs, and rough out the rest. Then place the piece in a vice and plane a flat between the two ends; remount and turn down to just past the flat.

Elsewhere there's another take on this: turn the large and the small ODs. Count the turns on a caliper knob required to make the difference, and divide the distance between the two by the number of turns. Mark that figure by a series of pencil lines on the blank, and then stepwise down the length turn the depth with a parting tool increasing by one knob turn at each line. (Hope this one makes sense; easier but not legal to post the diag.)

Rum Pig
24th March 2010, 04:15 PM
Cheers Ern I will keep an eye out next time I'm in a newsagent:2tsup:

24th March 2010, 04:21 PM
Sorry RP, should've made it clearer: it's an old publication. Don't expect you'd find one short of a cobwebbed grotto of a country newsagent.

Edit: It's FWW More Proven Shop Tips Taunton Press, 1990

There's even one by a J. Volmer, he of the VicMarc VOD.

Sawdust Maker
24th March 2010, 09:41 PM

Have a valve out of a 307 small block chevy on my desk at work as a paperweight.
It just might find it's way to a new home :D
But might use something other then outdoor carpet
Tis funny - can just see a rush to the local engine re conditioners :p

Some times these older books are available on Amazon

thanks Ern