View Full Version : More Scrap from Hughie

20th April 2010, 03:06 PM
No idea what this timber is Hughie had it painted all pink :roll: ..........worried about that fellow.

It turned like a dream, even the bottom bowl the lid had some wood rot but it hung in there. Hughie had given me all 3 bits and it wasn't till I rough turned them a couple of months or so ago I saw what I could do with them.

a coat of WOP sanded and an Oil finish sanded to 600

20th April 2010, 09:11 PM
By the look of those gum veins Wheelin it could be Blackbut. Colour is somewhere near the mark too.

Interesting piece.:2tsup:

20th April 2010, 09:46 PM
Thanks Arthur

21st April 2010, 10:11 AM
By the look of those gum veins Wheelin it could be Blackbut. Colour is somewhere near the mark too.

Could be but I doubt it, its part of a lot timber a few mates drop of on the drive way from time to time all part of some suburban cull.

21st April 2010, 06:03 PM
Nice work Ray. Interesting colour and grain, Looks great.:2tsup: