View Full Version : Joining a lump of 6 x 6 pine

27th April 2010, 02:21 PM

I have to extend a couple of 150 x 150 table legs by 150mm high.

I was going to get some glue (Maybe an epoxy) and stick a threaded rod into the top of the leg then bolt the extension on to that. (and glue them together as well)

Good Idea ???
If so what would be the best glue to stick the bolt into the leg .



27th April 2010, 03:48 PM
Greg - I think threaded rod would be overkill - my personal preference is to keep metal out of the equation as much as possible. 75mm of 25mm diam. dowel would be plenty strong enough to join the extension. Turning the dowel on the bit you are attaching, is a good & simple approach, if you have a lathe. If not, it isn't easy to dead-centre the dowel in either leg or extension, so to 'hide' the join, cut a narrow groove (square, coved or whatever suits the style of the table) around the join where they meet. This will add a decorative touch and disguise any slightly off-centre add-ons.

Just about any glue you like will do the trick, but if it's a valuable antique, use hide-glue so it can be easily undone if necessary. As you will probably have to freehand drill the holes in the table legs, & you are bound to wobble a bit & make it oversize, I suggest epoxy as the best bet, because of its gap-filling ability.
