View Full Version : Finish off with a bang

5th May 2010, 02:41 PM
I like to laminate bits of timber usually oak, beech and blackwood to make up approx. 10 to 12 inch plates. Last night I had put the final bit of Shellawax Glow onto the plate and I thought hmmm.. it's not rubbing in like I would like it to so I'll increase the speed up to 2500 rpm and then bang, it explodes! The laminates fly everywhere and I have nothing to show for an hour and a half. I was using yellow glue bought from my woodturning club and have never encountered a situation where the laminates have come apart. I also should say that I hand plane the laminates so that it's a perfect fit. Anyway, let it serve as a warning, that laminated stuff doesn't like high speed.

brendan stemp
5th May 2010, 08:54 PM
I would look at your glueing techniques rather than blaming the glue. Any PVA glue (including the yellow sort) will hold very well. I have split the wood rather than the glue joint in the past such is its strength. I think problems with joints failing is sometimes attributed to too much clamp pressure resulting in the joint being starved of glue. Or it maybe something else like moisture. I wouldn't let it put you off.

6th May 2010, 09:33 AM
I think problems with joints failing is sometimes attributed to too much clamp pressure resulting in the joint being starved of glue. Or it maybe something else like moisture. I wouldn't let it put you of

I second that, I always use a 'firm' amount of pressure, that is just enough to stop from moving as it sets. Sometimes on tricky bits I hold it for a couple of minutes by hand and then clamp.
But not small stuff, I am currently gluing up a square piece 300x300 with two veneer lines through the centre. This one I held briefly before clamping.

6th May 2010, 10:27 PM
I have made 5 or 6 of these in the past and used the same gluing technique. Only thing I would say is that I usually use the white PVA Aquadhere, haven't used yellow glue much, not sure of what to make of it after this experience.