View Full Version : Google sketch to DXF

8th May 2010, 12:28 AM
Hi there,
I'm having some trouble when i am trying to export a Google sketch to a DXF file i have been using this site Making a 3D image (http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-use-a-CNC-Mill-with-Google-SketchUp/step1/Making-a-3D-image/) and MakerBot Industries: Google Sketchup (http://wiki.makerbot.com/google-sketchup#toc3) i have followed the steps and have managed to plug it in to sketch but when i go to export the file it comes up with a sign saying 269 objects exported 2 lines exported and 530 objects ignored i don't think that it is the size of the file because it has done the same thing with a smaller file.
Can you help.
Regards Ben