View Full Version : TIMBER YACHT 110 Years old SEABIRD KETCH

6th June 2010, 09:25 PM
TIMBER YATCH 110 Years old SEABIRD KETCH - eBay Sail, Boats, Boats, Watercraft, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 14-Jun-10 23:37:39 AEST) (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260614400773&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:AU:1123)

7th June 2010, 01:33 AM
Run . . . run as fast as you can, watch your step and don't look back.

7th June 2010, 11:27 AM
Run . . . run as fast as you can, watch your step and don't look back.

and what ever you do do not type the name of the vessel on this forum. :D:D:D

Sorry Paul couldn't help it.:roll:

7th June 2010, 07:02 PM
I think the location of this vessel says it all.

Should include a tender with oars - or a liferaft.

7th June 2010, 07:05 PM
Sweet God, have you seen that bunch of Nazi bull? Those that know me, can't believe the ridiculousness of it all. I'm one of the original members of that place, but I have not posted much in the last few years because it's over run with self appointed, holly then thou's. Is it okay I call you by your name? I'm on the phone with Peter finally and it's very probable that thread will be deleted. It's the right thing to do. Hiding the fact, that a year long owner/yacht/designer bashing and general condemnation has been going on is a disservice to everyone involved, of course only those that have any principles left. My punishment for being righteous and standing on principle, rather then mob mentality, is to have the last 4 years of my posts (unrelated to that thread) deleted! Peter is furious and apologetic, but he has to watch out for the "powers that be" too.

Maybe it's time to move to Australia where yacht names aren't taken quite as seriously.

7th June 2010, 07:35 PM
Maybe it's time to move to Australia where yacht names aren't taken quite as seriously.

Yep it's only the name of the beer on board that is taken seriously. :D

It seems some level of sense is returning. I must admit to being taken aback by the level of venom displayed.

Probably should not be discussing it here however it serves to demonstrate what a difficult job the moderators have in controlling the mob mentality on a forum.

It's my belief the old "play the ball and not the man" is generally observed here for which I'm grateful and that's nuf said.


7th June 2010, 08:21 PM
I think the location of this vessel says it all.

Should include a tender with oars - or a liferaft.

:D:D :doh: I was a bit slow on the uptake.

8th June 2010, 07:30 AM
The sanity hasn't came back, I've been banned from that site. You know, me, the wild, crazy, constantly causing trouble, near being helpful, over the top person that I am.

There's no moderation over there, just a mob leader that takes his cues from the loudest voices of the bunch, which of course are never wrong.

8th June 2010, 11:15 AM
The sanity hasn't came back, I've been banned from that site. You know, me, the wild, crazy, constantly causing trouble, near being helpful, over the top person that I am.

There's no moderation over there, just a mob leader that takes his cues from the loudest voices of the bunch, which of course are never wrong.

Scary how easily the pack mentality kicks in. Couldn't help but think it was like watching a pack of rabid dogs.

As for moderation I agree it seems if there is enough noise from the mass the most expedient path is followed without comment or reason posted in the thread not to mention warning of a supposed breech. (this comment does not relate here)

Their loss, hope you stick around here.

8th June 2010, 03:32 PM
I've always had a good time here. I'm not the type that goes looking for a fight, but being former Army Airborne I tend to want to finish them once they've started. It's a function of the training, airborne troops can exspect to be surounded, so to live you have to fight your way out (or hold until relieved).

Moderation around here is excellent, unobtrusive and well mannered. I had a log in issue some months back. Management here was emailing and IM-ing me several times a day, across several days to get things sorted out. I wish I could get that kind of service out of my better half.

I'll stick around, if for no other reason then to see your Coquina finished.