View Full Version : The Eleventh Commandment

12th June 2010, 03:36 AM
We are all familiar with the The Ten Commandments. A few years ago I decided there should be an Eleventh Commandment. And here it is:

"Everyone should own at least one tool they can't afford".

In my case it was a Lie Nielson low angle block rebate plane. A beautiful plane just to hold. That it can refine the tenon, double as a shoulder plane and do all those small jobs usually assigned to a 60 1/2 stanley is great, but it looks twice as good to boot.

But.......Recently it was stolen. Along with hundreds of other tools.

We often hear about the gut wretching feeling upon discovering another person has violated ones space and stolen goods which they treasure. It can't be anticipated, it can not be understated. It can be described but it has to be experienced to be really understood. I hope none of you get to experience that feeling.

Police have been given lists of all tools taken. I'm told local pawn shops are in touch with Police about which goods they trade and they are crosschecked with Police lists. However this is only relevant, I believe, if goods have serial numbers. so a stanley #5, for example, will have no meaning to anyone and will go unnoticed as will most of my tools.

On a brighter side, when I contacted my insurance company and explained my plight they told me all the tools will be replaced. When I asked how they will replace a type
10 Stanley No 2 they said "we'll buy a new one from Bunnings" I couldn't help but find amusment in times of hardship.

I hope with the depth of people who read this forum some of you may be able to offer practical suggestions.

Meanwhile I would hate to think that some a***hole is using my beautiful Lie Nielson to remove peeling paint from his stinking window ledge.

By the way what is your Eleventh Commandment Tool?

12th June 2010, 07:25 AM
So sorry to hear of your pain,

I hope the scum gets caught or that Karma intervenes!

The police recommend engraving our liscence numbers on tools, but would one really want to on a LV plane!? :oo:

12th June 2010, 08:58 AM
Bloody scoundrels!!

And you know, even the theft of the smallest item, especially if is significant to you, brings on feelings of loss and utter rage.

I once had a shovel, a crowbar, amattock and an axe stolen from where I was fencing. All easily rplaced except for the axe, which had been my father's. I was dumbstruck and furious.

12th June 2010, 10:03 AM
I can certainly understand your pain. I also have that plane, and it's a very satisfying tool to use.

As for the low life that stole it, I'm afraid that unless they are very very stupid, (like trying to sell them at a garage sale around the corner from you), it's unlikely they will be caught.

Good luck with educating your insurance company...

13th June 2010, 04:03 PM
The really sad thing is that more than likely the lowlife who stole them will not recognise how much they are worth and if they can't be sold to make a quick buck will most likely be dumped somewhere.

I had my handtools and laptop stolen out of my work vehicle, hand tools were in a bag and i found them dumped around the corner from my house, the theifs had obvoiusly done a grab and run and when they realised what was in the bag and decided they wern't worth carrying dumped them.

dai sensei
13th June 2010, 10:58 PM
...When I asked how they will replace a type
10 Stanley No 2 they said "we'll buy a new one from Bunnings" ...

Sorry to hear of the mungrals :((. Be careful when putting in your claim, make sure you describe it as "rare Type10 Standley No2 collectors hand plane, purchased from a tool specialty store", otherwise you will get the price for any old hand pane from Bunnings!

13th June 2010, 11:11 PM
Keep an eye on Ebay for tool sales.

13th June 2010, 11:24 PM
Its getting to the point where we may have to keep our good tools under lock and key. Sorry to hear your bad news. Hope the police catch up with the rascal(s)

17th June 2010, 05:25 PM
Nasty, nasty little lowlifes.

Keep us informed as to how you get on with the insurance... I hope to hear a 'well, the theft sucked... but the insurance came through spectacularly'.

18th June 2010, 12:44 AM
That's a scarey story. Must remember to get a padlock for my shed.

18th June 2010, 06:59 AM
The police recommend engraving our liscence numbers on tools, but would one really want to on a LV plane!? :oo:
instead of doing the unthinkable what about approaching the police and ask about the "DATADOT" way they are microscopic beads with an invisible serial number in them and only that number is yours that may be a better way thats my ten cents worth

21st June 2010, 07:38 PM
Thou shalt have more cover then thy tools are wortheth
*to cover #### like this and the rising cost of tools, the right replacement quality
and for better toolboxes when you get them replaced with better locks

22nd June 2010, 08:42 PM
I always thought the 11th commandment was "Don't get caught".
There's a sad irony in that.....
Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope they catch the creep & accidentally bump his head as the put him in the paddy wagon.... twice.
