View Full Version : Table Saw mitre Sled

12th June 2010, 09:13 PM
Just a few wip pics of a table saw sled I built recently.
I started off maching the timber to fit and slide into table saw slot. This timber spotted gum is very dry and I cut it oversize (about 2 mm) and let it stand for a few days to do any final movent then finished it to size to be a nice firm but sliding fit

I purchased some 16mm MDF because it is flat and put some edging around.

Please excse for all the photos together bt so far I have not worked out how to have them seperated with individual text but I will continue.
The next phase was to build the 45deg support timber and I have used Derecks technique (thanks Dereck) and used one tight fitting bolt and the other one larger so as I have lateral movement for adjustment. I set it up and it works spot on. The other pieces of timber on the sle are to support the MDF just in case it wants to stray away from being flat.:):)

DJ’s Timber
13th June 2010, 12:51 PM
Please excse for all the photos together bt so far I have not worked out how to have them seperated with individual text but I will continue.

The last section in the following link shows how to place pics in the body of the text :2tsup:

Posting Pictures to Your Post - Woodwork Forums (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=78760)

13th June 2010, 08:24 PM
Many thanks