View Full Version : Shredded Au$50 Pen Blanks

dai sensei
20th June 2010, 07:45 PM
John (Gawdelpus) came around yesterday and we mucked around making a few molds and blanks for casting. The latest craze O/S, or one of them at the moment, is shredded money blanks using US or old Canadian money. So thought we might give them a try with our currency.

I have been thinking about doing some in Au$'s for a while, but needed to get around the legal problems with damaging Au$'s, plus I had no intention of wasting my own money :oo:. I found some fake, slightly larger and only printed one side $50 notes by a gold buying company, using them to advertise their company on the other side. They were a similar plastic type material, and once shredded it was unlikely you could tell the difference between the real and the fake, so I thought I would give them a go.

So I shredded two up to try. Being a $50 only on one side meant I had to stick the shreds on one by one on the tube with thick CA. I wasn't exactly happy with it initially, as there wasn't much depth to the shreds :-, but once I had enough thickness I cast it in a resin saver mold to see how it turned out.

As an alternative John suggested I stick 2 notes together so it was a $50 on both sides. So I did and then shredded them so I could place them in a standard blank mold for casting. I then drilled and stuck in a sleeve as normal. Because the 2 notes stuck together makes them stiffer, they did tend to stack rather than bundle, which I was worried about :(.

Anyway, here they both are, on Gold Ti Elegant Beauty's. As expected, the single sided ones do not have much depth, but is Ok I guess, as you can see it is from $50 notes. The other has an interesting pattern, but you can’t tell they are notes. Perhaps if they were made from long strips of shred, instead of the shorter random stuff, they would bundle better. As the notes were printed on white paper/plastic, after turning down to size, I stained the exposed paper edges with a yellow dye before finishing them with CA.

Either way, now I have tried it, I don't think I'll be doing any more :no:. Time to move on to the next challenge - feathers :rolleyes:.


20th June 2010, 09:03 PM
Yep pretty tedious stuff for sure ,and don't worry Neil nobody can tell the original blanks from the states are shredded currency till they are told :) , I like the first one for more detail and colour though hehe chers ~ John :2tsup::2tsup:

20th June 2010, 09:30 PM
Just checking to see if it was fake or real:D, good try, and fancy patterns. Amos:)

20th June 2010, 09:55 PM
even though you not fussed with them neil :~ they still look great :2tsup:

20th June 2010, 10:09 PM
You two guys have done a great job in making those pens but if I must be honest I am not real thrilled with the look of them for some reason the US and Canadian ones look different

All things aside you guys have done a great job again

Cheers Ian

21st June 2010, 08:54 AM
The pens are quite attractive in their own right but I would not recognise them as being made from Aus currency but same as stated above, the US ones are not recognisable either unless you know what they are. My favourite of this bunch is the 3rd pen. Looks most like currency to my eye.
If I didn't know what the pens were suppose to be I would be very happy with them and they are indeed very attractive pens. Well done Neil and John. Never a dull moment when you two are around. :):2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

21st June 2010, 09:44 AM
Hehe,I must admit that I was only an onlooker for the most part,the idea for these was Neils and the cutting up and gluing was all his work ,I left before they were cast and turned ,so my input was pretty negligable lol. cheers ~ John

21st June 2010, 10:46 AM
Guys a good trial run :2tsup:

Can I suggest your next one maybe shredded Political handouts :U, Concert Pamphlets handouts as novel type.

21st June 2010, 11:06 AM
Guys a good trial run :2tsup:

Can I suggest your next one maybe shredded Political handouts :U, Concert Pamphlets handouts as novel type.
shredded political handouts sounds good lol, but maybe "immortalising " in a pen not so good hehe, . As with all these things ,one thing leads to another ,I am about to cast my first imported snakeskin so am hoping all goes well with that ,can be all sorts of problems ,from seams opening up to shrinkage etc, we shall see how it goes ! Cheers ~ John

21st June 2010, 11:29 AM
Looking good:2tsup:

dai sensei
21st June 2010, 07:13 PM
As pens they are fine, as shredded note blank pens, well hmm :-. Had fun trying but :U

...if I must be honest I am not real thrilled with the look of them for some reason the US and Canadian ones look different..


...My favourite of this bunch is the 3rd pen. Looks most like currency to my eye....

There are only two pens, the second photo is just the other side of each pen :wink:

Fireman sam
21st June 2010, 09:01 PM
Very nice keep up the good work:2tsup::D
Thanks Andrew

Sawdust Maker
21st June 2010, 11:32 PM
nice effort
you could try shredded photos of the mother in law or the ex wife ... on second thoughts probably not worth the effort :p
or a line of shredded wedding photos for those recently divorced :o

22nd June 2010, 09:41 AM
Good work you guys, I looked at those notes whilst at a shopping centre yesterday.

22nd June 2010, 11:24 AM
My first reaction when I looked at the pens was Wow the Aus $ is sure colourful. Nonetheless the pens are really beautiful. Cutting up a real $50 would be painful not to speak of highly illegal.

I saw a pen recently with postage stamps around the tube, very attractive, they were old Canadian stamps and although not the whole stamp was visable, they were easily recognizable for what they were. Just another variation on a theme. Think I'll give that a try.
