View Full Version : What chisel to use

22nd June 2010, 04:38 AM
I am new to the wood turning addiction and need some advice. I turn pens (hopeless addiction) and am wanting to start on wine & sherry goblets, egg cups and small boxes as I only have a mini lathe. To turn the small bowls etc what bowl guage do I use. By that I mean size, shape etc. I have one 1/2" spindle guage which is way too long and difficult to manuver. Many thanks for reading my first thread ever in my life and I hope there will be many more as my addiction gets out of hand:U

22nd June 2010, 07:47 AM
Gooday and welcome.

With practice you could do all of the above with the 1/2" spindle gouge but a 3/8 bowl gouge would be a handy addition.

Do you belong to a club? They are a good source of inspiration and learning.

Ed Reiss
22nd June 2010, 12:06 PM
Welcome Rogerwasko :U

...what said, but if no clubs in your area there's always books and video's, and of course this forum.

brendan stemp
22nd June 2010, 08:55 PM
Use a scraper. First drill a hole to the depth you need. Use a round nose scraper, about 1/2" or 3/4" and work from the middle out. Make sure your cuts aren't too big, keep them to about 1/4" so you need a tight curve on the scraper. Easy stuff, works well on end grain. Make sure the scraper is kept sharp.

23rd June 2010, 04:24 AM
Use a scraper. First drill a hole to the depth you need. Use a round nose scraper, about 1/2" or 3/4" and work from the middle out. Make sure your cuts aren't too big, keep them to about 1/4" so you need a tight curve on the scraper. Easy stuff, works well on end grain. Make sure the scraper is kept sharp.
Good idea. I get so much advice from you guys it makes me feel special. I am going to try your way and buy the gauge.

23rd June 2010, 04:26 AM
Welcome Rogerwasko :U

...what said, but if no clubs in your area there's always books and video's, and of course this forum.
You are right of caurse. It is quite a drag to get back and forth from the island. Always the forom as you said. Thanks

23rd June 2010, 04:29 AM
Gooday and welcome.

With practice you could do all of the above with the 1/2" spindle gouge but a 3/8 bowl gouge would be a handy addition.

Do you belong to a club? They are a good source of inspiration and learning.
Thanks . Not yet. I'm on Russell which makes it a bit of a hassle. I have the forom and internet for now till I get organised. I will join though. I hear there is a good one in Manly.


25th June 2010, 06:50 AM
Do consider a bowl gouge eventually. It will add new dimensions to your work and will leave those end grains much smoother than other tools. BTW, bowl gouges are much longer than spindle so you can reach in and across.

26th June 2010, 05:11 AM
Thanks for that Rifleman