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View Full Version : Workshop North Shore Sydney

23rd June 2010, 05:51 PM
Hi All,
I am a new member and looking at setting up my own workshop at home, but really want to work/rent someone elses workshop for a while before I invest in all the equipment. Does anyone know or own a workshop they are happy to rent one day a week for a while.
Need BandSaw, DrillPress, Workbenches, and Sander.
Thanks Anne

23rd June 2010, 08:56 PM
Hi Anne, saw in our local paper that a shed was starting up that did not want to be called a Mens-Shed as they welcomed women ( Think it was in the Kuring-Gai area)
from what I have seen these sheds are usually allways open at least once or twice a week allso they have available all the tools for their members to use , might be worth looking into & could save you a bob or two .
cheers bruno.