View Full Version : Polymer Clay

30th June 2010, 03:34 AM
Hi, polymer clay artist here. I JUST learned you can turn polymer clay in a lathe. Some day I'll invest in one. Meanwhile maybe I can offer some help?

From what I've been reading, you can turn raw clay. Though this seems better for making things like beads. Solid clay objects not clay covering a tube as with pens and such.

So... since you are covering a tube, its best to do this with baked or cured clay. And if your getting "chunks" coming off, something is wrong.

First you simply must condition your clay first. It's no good straight out of the package. Working the clay well in your hands will work but clay artists use a pasta machine. Best darn tool you can own for working with polymer clay. It will condition, and work out any air pockets at the same time. You can pick up a cheap one at either Jo Anns or Michaels. Get on their mailing list first, every flyer or email will have a 40% off one item. With that a machine can cost as little as ten bucks.

Once conditioned roll the thickest sheet you can. Cover your tube. Since your going to be carving, you may want this to start out pretty thick. BUT! Your going to have a heck of a time building up thickness all at once. Especially if your not accustomed to working with clay.
Easy fix, it can be baked repeatedly with no problems. So if you have to, cure it with one sheet of clay, apply another and like that until you have it to the thickness you want.
(oh, all brands have different temps, BUT I have found that 265F for a half hour works pretty well with all of them. If the brand calls for hotter, just bake longer. Still works.)

As for the turning part, your probably more experienced than me on that one. Just keep in mind polymer clay is VERY soft compared to wood or stone or anything. So a light touch is needed here. Heck you might even be able to carve with a grinding stone vs a cutting tool.
But Im not sure on that. Haven't added a lathe to my ever growing tool pile yet.

30th June 2010, 06:53 AM
great work :2tsup:
i will also be keeping an eye on these
oh by the way you could always try dropping ToniNZ she just joind our forum but she does heaps of pc pens as i have seen on the IAP


At ToniNZ's request the "cut and paste" of her tutorial has been removed, if you would like to see the tutorial it is available on IAP

Big Shed

30th June 2010, 09:57 AM
Interesting thread, thanks for the link. Her pen is really great. :2tsup:

30th June 2010, 09:05 PM
Thanks folks,

Toni's millefiori work is certainly spectacular. I'm nowhere near ready for that yet unfortunately, but it certainly is inspiring.
