View Full Version : Loose table top

3rd October 2004, 01:03 AM
Hi there

I have got the 2000 in working order. The blade is in the right position. However even when table is latched in correctly, I am able to rock the table up and down (1-2mm) especially on the right side. The test cuts looks ok. Is that normal for the the table not to sit tight?

I bought the whole lot at shipped it back to Malaysia. Are there any "orange" friends in Malaysia or am I the first.


3rd October 2004, 08:56 AM

When the table locks, is it really locked?
I notice with mine that when it looks locked, you can still force the tabs home even more, some times it takes a bit of effort to lock them properly.

Al :)

3rd October 2004, 02:18 PM
Jay, My WC2000 has the same problem. I put masking tape on the "lip" (the entire length) that the table sits on, 4 layers on one end and 5 on the other, plus I had to make a little u shaped shim to put over the edge of the square hole (in the edge of the table) where the catch protrudes from the table when in the locked position. This efectively raised the catch 0.8mm so that it contacted the top of hole that it locks into.
(0.8mm because the sheet metat I used was 0.8mm thick)

My table is now solid. You will need to apply the tape one or two layers at a time and try the table each time. If you put too much, the catch will not go all the way in.
I noticed that the housing that holds the catch under the table is such that the catch is fairly loose. I pondered the idea of carefully tightenning the fit by hammering the housing down. I decided against it for now as the tape and shim are working fine.
If you decide to go that way, I can send pics if the above is confusing.

Good luck, Phill.

3rd October 2004, 02:48 PM
pushed it as much as I can. Looked from below and thats the max. Might have to go with Phil. Tq Jay

I agree that the housing that holds the catch under the table is fairly loose. Going to try your suggestion. I dread the thought of readjusting the blade setting after fixing the table. Pictures would be a great help


3rd October 2004, 10:09 PM
My table top rocks (and I don't mean musically) too - have had to jam a little plastic in (cut from ice cream container) - but they fall out, so I might try the masking tape too.

Pity there wasn't some adjustment on this sort of thing and perhaps on the rulers too

3rd October 2004, 11:34 PM
I had this problem. I rang Triton, they said to slacken off the bolts holding the legs and table in position slightly, put the table in the lower position (as if you were cross cutting) wriggle and shake it all round, then tighten everything up. They said this would get it all square.

Worked a charm, problem solved.

4th October 2004, 12:39 AM
Loosening and shaking would not have helped my problem as the lip that the table sits on is the same physical part as the bit with the square hole in that the catch slips into. ie the ruler guide. (see pic1)
See masking tape along lip in pic one.
The shim can be seen in pic2 sitting in the hole, folded over the edge of the hole.
Pic3 shows the shim under the catch (extended position) holding the catch up, which locks the table in tight. The reason I used the shim is that it would have taken too many layers of masking tape to tighten the fit on that end. The other end has tape only.
This is my first attempt to upload pics so fingers crossed:confused:

4th October 2004, 10:29 AM
Loosening and shaking would not have helped my problem as the lip that the table sits on is the same physical part as the bit with the square hole in that the catch slips into. ie the ruler guide.
That's exactly what I would have said about my problem.

The problem you describe is exactly the problem I could see, and I, like you, thought that the only way it was going to be fixed was with shims and so on. When Triton told me to loosen and shake, I never thought it was going to work. I tried it just to prove them wrong, assuming I'd end up having to send the thing back.

Nonetheless, it worked.

4th October 2004, 12:26 PM
Your solution is without doubt the way to go, so when I get the chance I will be trying it. The tape is a little un-sightly and will not last forever.
I hope Jay and SteveI try it and post their results.
Thanks for the info.

4th October 2004, 02:37 PM
I've got the same problem with the router table and stand. :confused:

I'll try the loosen bit and see what happens? Anyone had this happen on the router table?? :rolleyes:


4th October 2004, 02:51 PM
My curiosity got the best of me so I made time and tried it. Definitely helped but definitly didn't cure. I'm down from a shim and several layers of tape to just two layers at each end, no shim.
Mine was particularaly bad, so could well be a complete cure for less severe cases.
Thanks for the tip Princhester.

4th October 2004, 11:48 PM
Tq Princhester. Will try it soon since it worked for Phil. Jay

5th October 2004, 02:22 AM
You're going to be a rare breed there - don't thing you'll find any "orange" friends over there. I know someone who imported one (a Mark 3) about twenty years ago. He's an indent agent (sorry lost his phone no. but you could try Simon Industrial Supplies and ask for Simon Seow, located in Bandar Sunway), but as far as I know he gave the work centre to his brother in Penang.

6th October 2004, 12:41 AM
Dear Al
twenty years is realy pushing it. thanks for the information. hopefully there would be some active users reading this forum
