View Full Version : The Australian Timber Buyer's Guide

5th October 2004, 05:38 PM
IN relation to thread on naming conventions i decided to have a closer look at and consider buying the timber buyers guide for $36.30


Whilst being an obviously invaluable book i was a bit surpised ot find that to get the full update i must also purchase an additional 4 'additions' totalling $45.

These aditions have info on some timber i want to know wbout such as Gidgee and other australian desert timbers which most of the additions seems have info about.

So for about $80 plus postage i will have ALL this info which as pointed out is pretty scientific and dry but good basic info all the same.

So why is it not avilable in PDF online ?

Why can't i get one copy with the updates in it ?

Will my wife understand the spending of more $$ on wood stuff...

Why is it not a free web site ?

I know they need to cover costs and i support that but the costs in this case seem excessive and the freedom of info restricted.


5th October 2004, 06:45 PM
Bugger!. Thanks John, now I know my book is out of date:( . Go ya halves and use the fax:D (may not be strictly legal but you get this board going about copyright an all hell breaks loose):rolleyes:

I don't understand why they don't print a revised edition so you can buy that at a reasonable price.

I suppose a lot of research and work goes into these things.


5th October 2004, 07:51 PM
You'd be better off buying 'Wood in Australia' by Keith R Bottle - ISBN # 0-07-451047-9. It has ALL the common & not so common timber species listed as well as a description, properties & common names. It's really the bible for Aust Timber but it doesn't have pretty pictures.
I have both & I don't use the Timber buyers giude at all, my copy of "WiA" is really dogeared & should be replaced :(

E. maculata
5th October 2004, 08:03 PM
You'd be better off buying 'Wood in Australia' by Keith R Bottle - ISBN # 0-07-451047-9. It has ALL the common & not so common timber species listed as well as a description, properties & common names. It's really the bible for Aust Timber
:( [/b]
Hear hear Major, it's been one of the "holy books" for the industry for years and only now after decades of reference by generations of workers and others is getting a little dated(info wise) ;)

6th October 2004, 10:01 AM
OK great , thanks for the replies guys.

I will look into WIA sounds good.

AS for the TBG it seems they have just fallen into a way of publishing and updating it in a manner thats cheap and easy for them. IF we asked nicely maybe they would consider and updated whole edition or an online free version.


Sir Stinkalot
6th October 2004, 11:14 PM
I don't see what your problem is .... the TBG was released with a number of common timbers in it for the $40 odd .... these pages are loose leaf and in an A5 format .... the guide also comes with a A5 folder. As additional timbers, rather than updated information, is released then you can purchase these pages, again A5 loose leaf and simply insert them into your original folder. As you say there are 4 sets of inclusions for around $40 .... so $10 each.

The problem is obviously the initial purchase now $40 plus additions $40 as it does get a little pricey, but you then have a large number of timbers that will be commonly updated. If you by a book there is no room for updates or additional timbers .... you need to buy another.

I recently purchased the TBG with the four additions and I must say that I am happy enough .... I haven't given it a good read but I am sure that it will be handy. As new timbers are added I can quickly and cheaply update my library. I am not saying which way you should go as I haven't seen the book but I thought I would clear up the facts regarding the updates/additions.

"IF we asked nicely maybe they would consider and updated whole edition or an online free version."

Lets all ask Neil to stop making money from his business and start to give away his products ..... hey I might even start working for free

7th October 2004, 10:13 AM
Ok thanks Stinkalot. I am glad u r happy with yr purchase.

I will consider the same in good time and I appreciate everyones view. Looks look a useful set of documents.

I would not suggest that someone not make a little money for their work but I would also hope that info can be cheaply updated or provided whole and that a digital version also be available where by printing is an option. This may increase his distribution and allow easier updates, maybe a subscriber kind of thing. Maiybe be an online database or CD version.
