View Full Version : Fastening lap joint on my saw horse.

9th August 2010, 01:56 PM
OK, so I am putting together my first project - a couple of saw horses in the Chris Schwarz style. I saw them in an old thread that I couldn't reply too and tracked down some plans to work off. So forgive this question which will most likely have an obvious answer.

The design has a few lap joints (I think that is what they are?) and I was wondering about the best way to fasten them. Glue?, Screws?, Dowels? Bolts? I'd prefer dowels as I want to use screws and bolts in my work as little as possible. Only one of the pieces is 'rebated' (is that the right word?) on the joins across the legs. The trickier join looks to be is where the legs go into the top plate.

Any help and advice greatly appreciated.

Man I wish I had a couple of saw horses for this job!

9th August 2010, 07:38 PM
I agree with you. Glue and dowel.

11th August 2010, 01:47 PM
Thanks Artme, I've used them and they seem to be doing the job nicely.

I'm just wondering now about how to attach the top to the legs. The top basically sits on a 'seat' at the top of each leg, with a thin 'back' to the outside that is set in slightly (lap joint?) So would I be better off doing dowels from the sides through the back of the 'seat'? Or through the top down into the seat? Or both?

Does that question make sense without a picture?


P.S. Really enjoying myself

11th August 2010, 01:55 PM
Trying to picture that!:C

But I think down from the top should do, especially if the fit is fairly neat,

17th August 2010, 05:07 PM

Take a look at Chris Schwarz' saw bench (http://blog.woodworking-magazine.com/blog/CommentView,guid,af8505bd-5602-436e-8ee0-cbfe3a86c81e.aspx). Should give you some ideas. Othe examples are here (http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=4554564&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&vc=1).

