View Full Version : Plans for combined bookshelf and desk

20th October 2004, 01:21 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am after a plan for building a combination of bookshelf with desk. Ideally deks section would be folding so that it can be open and closed when it is not used. The desk section is a bit like extended bookshelf attached to the bookshelf with hinges or other means. Is there any suggestions.


21st October 2004, 08:20 AM
Sam - not quite sure what you have in mind. Do you mean a fall-front desk like the one below? This one has no bookcase, of course, but you could easily add one. Can you post a rough sketch of what you are looking for?

28th October 2004, 04:29 PM
Hi Ianw,

My apolagies for the late reply. My computer has crashed, and I have been trying to fix the problem. I have finally managed to log on and see your e-mail. I do not have a particular design in my mind, however since I am an novice it should be easy to build. My wife wants it from Victorian ash rather using playwood or laminated chipboard. It would have been easier. The picture you put on, Is it easy to build? It is not quite clear from the photo.


28th October 2004, 05:15 PM
Hi Sam - the one I showed is not all that difficult for an experienced w'worker, but you might need some guidance as a novice - there is a lot of joinery involved, (the carcase is joined with half-blind and sliding dovetails, which would be a bit daunting for someone who's never tackled them before). So you would need some decent basic tools, or get yourself into a TAFE style course somewhere, and make this your project. I don't have detailed drawings for the one shown - I copied the dimensions from a desk which was pretty basic, and made up the joinery - all I have is rough sketches in my 'workbook'. As I recall, the original was mostly ply, which greatly simplifies joinery, but I can't clearly remember, as all I wanted from it were the general dimensions.
What I was trying to establish, is if this was the style you were after. Knowing what you want (and what it's called) would allow you to search for sets of plans. You can simplify the construction in several ways, depending on what sort of final product you want. For instance, you don't need to include lopers (the slides the desk rests on when dropped), theer are metal gadgets, or even a simple chain that can hold the flap...
I would try searching for some plans in bookshops, old w'working mags, or by surfing the net...