View Full Version : Cancer - never give up

Allan at Wallan
5th October 2010, 08:50 PM
My sister-in-law was admitted to hospital in January 2009 with
brain and lung cancer. The doctor at Royal Melbourne Hospital had
a meeting with my wife and I and explained that she had a "severe"
form of cancer and could not be expected to last more than about
nine months.
At that stage she had to be assisted in walking with a frame and
weighed a miserable 48 kgs. Things did not look too good.

Back in her country town she attended specialists in Wodonga and
Albury and had the necessary chemo and radiation treatments.
Would you believe the cancers in the brain shrunk dramatically
and her overall condition is relatively stable.

She now weighs about 56 kgs, does her own shopping without the
need for a walking frame, does a little gardening and goes to Bingo
with friends every Wednesday.

She is a particularly positive person and we can only marvel at her
recovery. Of course we realise the condition may be somewhat
temporary but we are grateful that she is still with us.


10th October 2010, 08:44 AM
I wish her all the best Allan.

I had a SIL who beat Hodgkins disease, despite all the predictions.

10th October 2010, 09:08 AM
Thats a great storey. Thanks for sharing it. I truly believe that the power of positive thinking is underrated when dealing with illness. I also believe that being active is also necessary if the body is to fight a disease. Eating good foods and taking some antioxidants, with your doctors knowledge, are very beneficial.

I am not naive enough to believe that every thing can be cured in this manner but it can prolong life and give it a better quality during the remaining time. It has worked for me with a 'bad' case of Prostate cancer. There is one guy in our support group that had been told to go home and put his affairs in order. He changed his diet completely with the help of naturapaths, took up bike riding and has beaten his alloted time already. He's is currently on a trip around Aust with his wife. Most people wouldn't enjoy his diet but he believes it is keeping him on the right side of the turf. He is not ignoring 'white coat' medicine just adding to it for his treatment.


10th October 2010, 09:39 AM
Thats great Allan :2tsup: must make Val very happy also.:2tsup:

10th October 2010, 01:24 PM
Many thanks for sharing that story.

Much appreciated.


Matt Thomas
19th October 2010, 05:33 PM
All the best to her Allan.

I know myself from experience that having cancer can be hard, but it's very good that she's positive, I reckon that helps a fair bit.

24th October 2010, 10:14 PM
I am with you Allan as you SIL is recovering so is my wife where she was told last week by a professor an unique case of bone cancer survival in the pelvis is certainly a death sentence but not for her she has defied cancer for the fourth time with twelve operations, chemo and radiation treatments as well. Her predicament started in 1996 and she was given the death sentence twice even at Peter Mac her death bed is November 2009. She has surpassed all expectations so I am given her a full reno because she deserves it.
I hope your SIL has the very same determinations to go through her illness with respect, dignity and determination

Allan at Wallan
3rd November 2010, 02:05 PM
Thanks for sharing your stories, it is certainly encouraging
to hear of similar cases in dealing with this insidious condition;
the sooner they find solutions the better.

All the best.


3rd November 2010, 07:17 PM
Hope your sister in law continues to improve Allan, I have a friend up here who was diagnosed with cancer and 12 months ago wasn't expected to live but following extensive treatment he has responded with positive results and is back to his old self. He is still undergoing treatment and on medication but he has put back the weight he lost and is doing well. Its great to hear of good results.

6th November 2010, 07:59 PM
You should never under estimate the power of the mind! :console:

Allan at Wallan
8th November 2010, 03:24 PM
We got home from a woodturning luncheon on Sunday to receive
a message on the phone. My wife's brother has been admitted to
hospital with cancer. It is very advanced and the hospital had asked
that family be notified. On this occasion "Never Give Up" is not
an option and we expect to receive bad news within a couple of
days. My wife only has one brother and sister - both with cancer.


8th November 2010, 03:38 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Allan.

Cancer progression varies a lot as we've heard, and time left is still time.

8th November 2010, 08:36 PM
Jeez that's not good Allan.:tears:

8th November 2010, 10:36 PM
My thoughts are with you and your family.

Al B
12th November 2010, 03:58 PM
Allan I'm sorry to hear the news about your wife's brother.

David Mitchell
12th November 2010, 09:53 PM
Sorry to hear about all the sickness in your family,

Allan at Wallan
15th November 2010, 02:11 PM
Thank you for your various comments - my brother-in-law
is just hanging on by a thread. Just waiting for results of
medical reports as to whether to go ahead with a biopsy etc.

