View Full Version : Veneering question

28th October 2004, 04:14 PM
Hello all,

I have veneered some speaker boxes with a jarrah veneer. I joined the individual leaves of the veneer with paper veneer tape. Now I have veneered the speakers, how do I remove the (gum?) residue from where the veneer tape was so that I can finish the speaker. The reason I am asking is that on one of the speakers, I thought I had removed all the residue, but when I applied the finish, I could see where thie veener tape had been :( ...

Can anybody help?



Dusty Workshop
28th October 2004, 11:37 PM
I would try some mineral spirits. It won't damamge the veneer. Be careful not to let it penitrate or it may compromise the adhesive you used to afix the veneer. Would a razor or scraper be an option or is the affected are not flat?

Hope this helps,


29th October 2004, 12:17 AM
Thanks Dusty,

I used Titebond II glue. On previous box I used a cabinet scraper and thought that I had removed all traces, but when I applied the finish I could see where the veneer tape had been, as the colour underneath was just slightly lighter than surrounding areas :( . Will try the mineral spirits and test on a less conspicuous area.

Thanks again...


29th October 2004, 10:16 AM
During my apprenticeship many moons ago, we used veneer and that perforated paper tape to make a chess table .we then used a card scraper with a newly honed burr to remove the tape and residue and to flatten the join between the two veneers without too much stock removal.