View Full Version : Water and/or heat marks in hardwood table

29th October 2010, 12:56 AM
Hi all,

OK, so I fell in love with a table ... but it has lots of watermarks and/or heat marks on it. I bought it with the hope of restoring ... but am pretty clueless, so would love some advice. The previous owners have said it is about 30 years old, is solid hardwood (I'm pretty sure) will collect this Sunday. From what I have read so far I assume the first step is to establish what was used on the table's surface eg shellac. I'm wondering what I can do to work this out as the previous owners didn't know.

Any help for a lovestruck fool would be much appreciated :U

7th November 2010, 10:25 AM
G'day wonover - Sorry for the delayed reply but been away and somehow I missed this one earlier.

If you haven't as yet done anything to the table, the first thing to do would be to try Polish Reviver (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/reviver.html) on it. The reviver should be able to pretty much remove most if not all traces of water and heat marks from the finish and give the entire thing a lift. If it doesn't work nothing else will and you will need to strip it back and start from scratch.

Cheap way to save yourself a lot of work and if it doesn't work on the table there's plenty of other things it can be used on.

Hope this is of some help.

Cheers - Neil :U