View Full Version : Ceiling painting

6th November 2010, 09:22 AM
Have replaced ceilings in old house using pine VJ. I've had a quote from professional painter but I just can't afford 3grand. His quote was for patching & sealing gaps & knots with 1 coat of primer/sealer and 2 finish coats.Ceilings are 10ft.
If I were to do it myself what kind of patching materials & sealer should I use? Maybe I could get the priming done & do the finishing myself.My age may be against me..78. Any suggestions?

6th November 2010, 12:03 PM
My sealer of choice would be white pigmented shellack. It dries quick and is compatible with oil & water based paints.
A caution though; if you use 'hot patch' , like plaster of Paris or another quick setting patching compound, the high alkeline content nessestitates an oil based primer to seal it prior to painting - else peeling will occur.

6th November 2010, 12:38 PM
mate at 78 your first question should be "what type of scaffold should I look for", seriously please put in place a scaffold with good handrails and easy access as a first, then look at paint/stain/primer, one fall from that height and the ceiling is the last thing on your mind!

9th November 2010, 09:48 AM
G'day Frank,
how big are these gaps/holes that require filling mate?
What is wrong with ordinary putty - you are going to paint over it anyway. Or if you wish, the following.
If you are going to use acrylic paint then use the acrylic primer-sealer to mix spac filler instead of water,
If you are using oil base paint, then use that primer to mix the spac filler.
Mix to the same consistency as putty and apply with a putty knife.
It may be a bit messier mixing but it gives a very durable and slightly flexible result, we used that mix for years when repairing squash court walls etc
I would suggest acrylic as it is easier to apply and clean up, use a lambs wool roller with the extended handle to get into the groves in the VJ and you can paint from the floor, no ladders, planks etc. Ask a son,grandson or youngster to do the puttying though, I totally agree with Dave 50
There must be Forum Members down that way who can give a hand surely.
Just a suggestion, give it a try