View Full Version : Help in finding a reliable source for square steel bars

Cap'n Pharaoh
31st January 2011, 11:47 PM
Hello All, I am Looking for small steel strips in various sizes , but specicifically I need a regular source for square, solid mild steel bar in 2,3,4 mm(or imperial equivalent). I am located in central coast NSW, but am willing to mail order. Seems it's too small for regular metal suppliers and I can't seem to find anything at hobby shops. If anyone has any advice please let me know.

1st February 2011, 05:42 AM
I've found that a local steel fabrication shop is always a good source of off-cuts of all sizes and shapes of steel, particularly around their guillotine. But it all depends on the amounts you are after and also if the boss is prepared to let you rat around in their off-cut bins.

1st February 2011, 08:04 AM
Keyway material might suit for some of the sizes you mention. Commonly available, but I can't answer for how economic it may be.


Anorak Bob
1st February 2011, 09:11 AM
Here is a link to the Hercus key steel catalogue. Hercus will post stuff to you.



1st February 2011, 09:22 AM
Hi Captn Pharoh..

You didn't say how long you want it to be, so, on the off chance that short bits might be what you're after.. I have bought some key steel off these guys..
MACHINE KEY STEEL ASSORTMENT 60PC - Robson's Tool King Store (http://www.toolking.com.au/products/MACHINE-KEY-STEEL-ASSORTMENT-60PC.html)

On the other hand if it's longer bits you want, bright mild steel, say 300mm lengths try this one..
Bright Mild Steel Square 300mm Long for Hobby Machining (http://www.miniaturesteammodels.com/category127_1.htm)


Cap'n Pharaoh
1st February 2011, 10:14 AM
Thank You every one for your Help.

I went a head and ordered some keyway stock off of hercus. They were really helpful. I'm still not certain it will be exactly what I need as I was hoping to try and weld or braze it and . I'll probably also check out the Miniature steam models site.
I usually end up cutting stuff up to lengths no longer than 300mm so thats fine .

thanks again :2tsup:

1st February 2011, 11:03 PM
I have silver soldered & brazed Key steel (silver steel) hundreds of times so I don't think you will have a problem