View Full Version : Old tools on EBay

26th November 2004, 11:04 PM
Just been looking in EBay at - Tools, Hardware, Locks
They keep saying Antique or Vintage and I keep looking and saying to my self "but that is what I still use".

Wish they would stop calling my tools Vintage. :mad:
I'm not that old, am I. :eek:

27th November 2004, 02:05 PM
I have seen brand new in box tools in the antiques section :confused:


28th November 2004, 09:15 AM
As kids, we used to laugh at my Dad when we went to museums and he'd say "I used to use one of those". I don't laugh now that I'm doing the same thing. It's worse when you find stuff that you remember coming out new.

29th November 2004, 09:36 AM
As kids, we used to laugh at my Dad when we went to museums and he'd say "I used to use one of those".

unfortunately I find myself saying in museums... "I still use one of those" :(

And of course there are those things which now seem horrendously old fashioned to us .. but to the next generation are new and fresh.

A few years ago I saw two girls dressed in particularly hideous '70s' clothing walking down the road during the middle of the day.... my first thought was that it was a funny time of day to be going to a fancy dress party.

It was only later when I visited the shopping centre on a Saturday that I realised that they weren't in fancy dress ... they were fashion victims.