View Full Version : Carvers of the Great White North.

7th March 2011, 08:01 AM
G’Day everyone,

My first time into this section of the neatest bunch of topics under one site.

I’ve been reading a couple of CV3’s recent postings, ‘Young Carvers’ and Canada’s Northwest Carvers. On a personal basis, I’m not a carver, but its always been in the background for me an never took the opportunity. I know in my area there are a few ‘older’ carvers, but very few. But for myself I need to get some box making done, even my first would be good to do – when my work area warms up from its -25 / -30c.

To me, the carvings of the Pacific NW nations are fantastic, and of course the face masks are still used in ceremonies of all types. Then you gotta love the Totem Poles. And with most aboriginal peoples around the world, they need the bright colors.

There’s a link below to the Art, Sculpturing, and Carvings of our Inuit people of the Arctic. The Inuit carvers are not worried about the intricate details of the human figure, or others, but are more concerned about the spirits of the subject. Their basic materials are Soap Stone, Walrus Tusks and Cariboo Antlers or other bone. There is No wood (lots of petrified in some areas tho). All Ivory is licensed and all their work is authenticated by a Government seal. Their work is pricey as its all Co-Op now, years back they were definitely taken to the cleaners. Even today, to many Asian countries making copies go to the market.

One good thing is that they have set up excellent training for those young carvers, artist and crafts people wishing to follow the ‘ways’ of the elders.

I have spent approx 5 to 6 years in the Arctic and the LOML has recently returned from 33 years there.

Northern Images (http://www.northernimages.ca) , look it over and have a great day.
