View Full Version : what is this used for

15th March 2011, 10:50 PM
just got a couple of chisels and am curious how to address the wood with these,i presume they are for bowls..........bob

Enfield Guy
15th March 2011, 11:22 PM
Both look like home made tools to me. First one looks a bit like a bowl saver. I would suggest that the post goes in the banjo and the cutting tool fits into it.

The second one, well, how you would present that to the job baffles me a bit.


15th March 2011, 11:27 PM
the second one is made by record just found the book still i reckon its got an awkward shape, will read up on ot........bob

joe greiner
15th March 2011, 11:58 PM
The third and fourth are for hollowing vessels or undercut rims on bowls.

The second one looks a little like a DIY tool I made for cutting a square corner at the bottom of a box.


16th March 2011, 12:03 AM
The first one is a type of bowl saver and it looks like an early Leady type of bowl saver or corer. The post with the slot goes in the banjo and you place the tool in the slot and away you go.

The second is for cleaning up the bottom of the bowl and is not for the faint hearted its got a very steep learning curve. I believe Ern AKA Rsser had one for a while and ditched it.

Cant remember exactly but it was put out by a English Tool company a few years back, never took off and so they took it off the market.

dai sensei
16th March 2011, 09:42 AM
1. Bowl saver
2. I have one similar, but with sharp pointed edge, for squaring up box rebates and recesses for chucks
3. Not really sure, but could be used for thread cutter

16th March 2011, 09:59 AM
bob, i also have one of those disc chisels and would be very interested what the instructons of use are.

16th March 2011, 12:14 PM
bob, i also have one of those disc chisels and would be very interested what the instructons of use are.
pm me email address and i will scan a copy of book.....bob