View Full Version : Blue Train..Jo'burg to Capetown

John Saxton
17th March 2011, 06:50 PM
We're looking at doing a trip on the Blue train from Johannesburg to Capetown next year as part of our travels.

. . . The Blue Train . . . A Window to the Soul of South Africa ... (http://www.bluetrain.co.za/routes.htm#ScheduledRoutes)

Never having been in Africa before we 're thinking of a Safari park stay in/near Jo'burg then taking the Blue train down to Capetown.

It looks like a fantastic trip was wondering if any members had done this and what their thoughts are of the trip?


17th March 2011, 07:03 PM
John, I haven't done the Blue Train but I have done the Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Johannesburg route.

It was in the early '80s and I would say to you:

1. Monkeys only look cute until they rip your lip off whilst trying to retrieve a peanut from the back of your throat.

2. Baboons are much bigger and stronger monkeys. They will demolish a car - do not stop if they block the road. If you do stop, see if you can find my wipers and mirrors while they strip yours from the vehicle.

3. Only carry enough money for the day and anchor it. A handbag is an invitation. Be aware of who is around you at all times in all places. If anyone seems to be taking an interest, move on quickly.

4. It is the most beautiful country in the world and well worth the risks. I would suggest group travel as we had some bother and were two very fit military men at the time.

John Saxton
17th March 2011, 07:15 PM
Thanks Greg, all those points are noted am aware of the issues of lone travel in parts of Africa, but we would be likely to be on our own unless we can hook up with a group on arrival in Jo'burg as part of the Train trip.

Probably will be flying in from New York to join the Safari Park/Train trip.

We will look to see if there is a group booking for the time we will be there,we have a real good travel bloke in Perth who has booked all our trips and is savvy to most issues we have encountered so far.

I appreciate the feed back and will save any for reference.
