View Full Version : The Tale of a Moron.

31st March 2011, 06:00 PM
Our Moron had injured oneself a while ago and had scans done. He carried them with him to various quack appointments. He then decided to put them in a safe place . . . Oh you Moron! Eventually he was told that the scans were required for a minor issue - Arthroscopic surgery on the site. Moron thought, which was his first mistake, that he knew were said scans were. He searched his cave, couldn't find them. A bright idea, they're still at the salt mine. Searches the mine and even rings up a mate to check a wagon for him. Nothing, Nada, zilch. Moron is starting to have sphincter clenching motions. Moron gets home and re-searches his cave, pulls apart some idiot box equipment, moves a mat . . . . there was the safe place . . . . and sitting in the middle were the scans! Moron was ecstatic and relieved. Moral of the story, Moron try to remember were the "Safe place" is!

31st March 2011, 06:06 PM
fate decrees that they/it will always be in the last place you look for them. :D

31st March 2011, 08:15 PM
I don't even have to put in safe place, I still forget where I put it.:doh:

31st March 2011, 09:14 PM
Now now Pat we here can rubbish you all we want but doing it yourself :no: leave it to the experts.

Its only Thursday .... Monday is a few days away settle down you had plenty time to locate them.

Now go out tomorrow turn on the Yellow beast and grind some wood to pulp.:U:;

31st March 2011, 10:18 PM
I am the Moron's first cousin, and I have the genetic makeup to prove it!!! :D:D:p

Funny story Pat, nonetheless.:roflmao:

Cliff Rogers
31st March 2011, 10:25 PM
Yup.... I just blame a beer spill where I wrote it down in my head. :p

31st March 2011, 10:32 PM
I put the spare key to one of our cars "in a safe place" once.

Eight months later, I remembered where that was...

1st April 2011, 11:47 AM
I quite often put things in a safe place and forget where the safe place is and then when I am looking for something else find the safe place but don't find the other thing that I was looking for.

1st April 2011, 12:32 PM
All of the above for me - Senior's moments. At least that is the excuse

1st April 2011, 04:08 PM
All of the above for me - Senior's moments. At least that is the excuse

Herbie, I only turned 40 a month or so ago . . . .

1st April 2011, 05:21 PM
Herbie, I only turned 40 a month or so ago . . . .

Yes but with the work you do you look 50ish :q and behave like 60ish

Kev Y.
2nd April 2011, 10:18 AM
I have posted this before...

I thought I would solve the "safe place" issue once and for all.. I got an old shoe box and labled it "A SAFE PLACE"... now I can not find where I put the shoe box!!! :-

2nd April 2011, 06:04 PM
Yes but with the work you do you look 50ish :q and behave like 60ish

Thankyou, I resemble that!:U

Especially with the bung #$%#@#%%$@%%@%@#$%#$ shoulder:~

3rd April 2011, 07:54 AM
Occasionally I stumble on a safe place with stuff in it and wonder what I had in mind when I put THAT away.

3rd April 2011, 09:31 AM
Thankyou, I resemble that!:U

Especially with the bung #$%#@#%%$@%%@%@#$%#$ shoulder:~

Thats what I meant :; young at heart though and thats what matters :2tsup:

4th April 2011, 04:38 PM
A few years back my daughter bought me a thing from the National Geographic shop that looks like a tin of beans but the bottom unscrews and it's meant to hide your money in and put it in the cupboard along with the other tins, i'm frightened to use it because i know one day i will forget what it's for and maybe chuck it out.:doh:

4th April 2011, 05:55 PM
Hello Kev Y.

You need to mark it on both ends, and top ,bottom and sides to be sure.

Even better is to mark it "PRIVATE" and when you need it ask the missus, she will know where it is (they forget nothing) and probally even be able to tell you whats in it.

regards flicker.

4th April 2011, 09:19 PM

At the sons 2 weeks ago LOML had fed youngest grandson DiL put him on his bouncer after being burped. I went into another room came out looked at a set of keys on the kitchen bench near a book turned to the table got comfortable and asked where the little fellow was. DiL said right behind you turned around there he was right next t the keys and book on the bench in his bouncer.:doh:

5th April 2011, 12:58 PM
I put australian woodsmith magazine 59 in a safe place about a year ago. I've practically torn the house and shed apart trying to find it. Place I chose is REALLY safe...

5th April 2011, 01:58 PM
I feel better now, I thought it was just me!!

The Bleeder
5th April 2011, 02:10 PM
Gave up putting things in a safe place. Now I just put them in the 'forgetful' place. That way I don't have to worry about where the safe place is.

5th April 2011, 02:59 PM
There is nothing wrong with my forgetterer its my rememberer that has the problem!!!!!!!! :B

BUT......SWMBO often interrogates the rest of us mere mortals to tell her what pass word she used to open some account in a computer program :~ And when I say how would I know what the pass word is :no: ....I might as well have thrown petrol on the fire

5th April 2011, 03:29 PM
And when I say how would I know what the pass word is
Apparently the easiest things to remember are the names of pets you had when you were between about 7 and 15 years old (no idea why).
hence..."underfoot"..the name of my cat when I was 10..