View Full Version : ER 32 or ER 40 collet chuck

3rd April 2011, 10:47 PM
i want to get a collet chuck for my mill but not sure if i should get an er 32 or an er 40 i there any significant size difference in the two .

3rd April 2011, 11:05 PM
What mill and what taper do you have welder?
This thread maybe of interest


3rd April 2011, 11:11 PM
ow my mill spindle has a mt3 taper

Dave J
3rd April 2011, 11:13 PM
The 32 is the most popular in home shops, because the 40 hangs out a lot. If you have a large mill and need the 25mm capacity go for the 40.


3rd April 2011, 11:20 PM
With MT3, I would think the 32 was the way to go, but that comes from a guy that hasn't gotten around to buying one for himself yet.

Having said that I had a bad night on ebay so might need to buy me something so I feel better.


3rd April 2011, 11:22 PM
well i only have a mill drill and seeing a picture of the size difference between the two i think i will go with er32 i can always buy an er40 with 1inch collet later if i need to use the 1 inch end mills i have.

Dave J
4th April 2011, 12:10 AM
Good choice, I would go for the ER32. You maybe able to find or make a MT3 end mill holder for the 25mm ones.

Something like this


4th April 2011, 12:50 AM
Nice work Dave assuming you made those. How do you get the bore spot on?

Drill and bore or ream?


Dave J
4th April 2011, 01:26 AM
Those ones are not mine Ken, but I made half dozen last year of similar shape for lathe centre drills (another thread I was going to put up, will try to get it done)

The ones I made hold different size centre drills. Their about 130-150mm long so they reach across the cross slide easy, and there quick and easy to put in and out instead of using a drill chuck.
When I made them I just held the bar in the chuck and machined the MT3 first. Then removed the chuck turned them around and put them in the lathe spindle with a MT5 to MT3 reducer, drilled the hole and machined the outside to shape. The pressure from drilling keeps them held firmly in the MT, and a live centre was used to hold them while I machined the outside.
As I said above I will get some pictures and post them up, they are easy made but a real time saver.


Dave J
4th April 2011, 01:30 AM
This is the site I got the picture from
9x20 Lathe Collet & Jawed Spindle Chucks (http://www.micro-machine-shop.com/collet_jaw_chucks.htm)
I just typed in end mill holder looking for a picture to show Welder, and it was the first good picture that popped up.


4th April 2011, 01:40 AM
hi im going off topic but dont want to start a new thread bu currently the mill spindle is wobbling i think it the drill chuck but not sure how can i check this

Dave J
4th April 2011, 01:58 AM
If you have a dial test indicater, you can mount it so the contact point is touching the inside of the spindle taper. You could also mount a standard one touching the outside of MT shank mounted in the spindle a few mm away from the end of the spindle.
With either test you are looking for any variation in the needle movement.
