View Full Version : Hastings Woodworkers Guild Exhibition 2011

Scribbly Gum
17th April 2011, 07:34 PM
Here is a heads up for your calendars for this year's Hastings Woodworkers Guild Exhibition.
As usual it will be held in the Port Panthers' Auditorium in Bay Street Port Macquarie NSW.
The dates for your diary are Friday 23 September through to Sunday 25 September.
Last year's event was spectacular with exhibits, demonstrations, sales, and of course the great camaraderie of the Hastings Woodies Guild members.
Here is a link to last year's show:

The Hastings Woodworkers Guild website is to be found here:
Hastings Woodworkers Guild | Port Macquarie NSW (http://www.hastingswoodworkers.com.au/)

Hope to see as many woodies as possible there. This will be a great excuse to visit Port Macquarie in Springtime - famous for its magnificent sunsets over the Hastings River.
Don't forget to introduce yourself as members of the Forum.


Carry Pine
30th April 2011, 09:50 PM
I looked hard but could not see the "Chisels For Sale" stall.

Looks like it's agreat event.


30th April 2011, 10:39 PM
Thanks for bringing this back up its a possibility and could be a good week away for us both.

Scribbly Gum
30th April 2011, 10:41 PM
I looked hard but could not see the "Chisels For Sale" stall.

Looks like it's a great event.


Thanks Graham and Wheelin, it is a wonderful weekend.
There were some tools, parts, fittings and sundries woodwork stalls there last year, and we are working hard to include similar stalls this year. Might even manage a second hand tools stall if we are lucky. I will have more items of woodwork there this year I hope, as I have a little more time to get them done now.
It is shaping up to be a great show and exhibition.
And of course it is held in beautiful Port Macquarie, one of the jewels of the mid-north coast.
from Tele Point

Greg Ward
1st May 2011, 09:50 AM
Perhaps you could get Mal down, or alternatively arrange an outing out as well?

Scribbly Gum
1st May 2011, 02:44 PM
Perhaps you could get Mal down, or alternatively arrange an outing out as well?

Great idea Greg.
I'll put it to the committee.

Scribbly Gum
4th May 2011, 07:02 PM
Perhaps you could get Mal down, or alternatively arrange an outing out as well?

Mal has been invited and is giving it serious thought. He may want to talk with you Greg.
On another matter we will be having demonstrations of woodturning, intarsia and woodcarving.
For the first time we will also have old tools for sale in both user and collectable/antiques categories.
This year's Exhibition and Show is shaping up to be one of the best yet.
Mark it on your calendar:
Friday - Sunday 23rd, 24th, 25th September.
Panthers Auditorium Port Macquarie NSW.

Cheers from Tele Point

9th May 2011, 10:28 AM
Thats the week prior the school holidays so its a possible we could have a week up there before the invading mobs arrive.

Scribbly Gum
12th May 2011, 08:46 AM
Thats the week prior the school holidays so its a possible we could have a week up there before the invading mobs arrive.

You will love it Wheelin.

Co-incidentally, the Australian Photographic Society will be holding their big national conference (APSCON) in Port Macquarie at the same time.
They have booked the Glasshouse, and will spend the week involved in various photographic endeavours.
They will have an exhibition almost certainly - this from the top photographers in Australia.
Here are the APSCON details:

Another reason to come up/down to Port Macquarie for our Woodworkers Guild Show at Panthers Auditorium.
The sunsets over the last week have been stunning as well.
Just like this one:


12th May 2011, 09:48 AM
:doh: Thats just great two great events at once accommodation in Port might be a tent only with the crowd.

Scribbly Gum
12th May 2011, 10:35 AM
:doh: Thats just great two great events at once accommodation in Port might be a tent only with the crowd.

No worries Wheelin, there is plenty of accommodation in Port Macquarie as well as nearby in Wauchope, Lake Cathie, Telegraph Point, Bonnie Hills, Laurieton, North Haven etc. All of these places are around 10 minutes from Port.

Scribbly Gum
22nd July 2011, 06:10 PM
Quick update on the forthcoming September Exhibition.
We are getting all our annual rainfall out of the way (we hope) so that Springtime in the Hastings lives up to its usual spectacular best.
Here are a couple of photos of some of the lads getting things ready at our Clubrooms at Timbertown in Wauchope.
Hope you have all bookmarked the 23rd - 25th September.
Should be a great show.

Scribbly Gum
20th August 2011, 04:17 PM
Well it's only five weeks until the show and things are moving along nicely.
Today's clubroom meeting saw some more work on items for the show, and of course there were the regular show and tell as well as a talk on the history of handplanes.
We finished with bacon and egg rolls from super chefs Rod and Geoff.

If you haven't put down the 23rd, 24th and 25th September in your diaries then do it now.
We would love to see all fellow woodies up here in Port Macquarie for the show.
There will be two tables of old tools for sale - one with great antique lines and the other with the first buy swap and sell items from clubmembers themselves. Lots of trash and treasure there for sure.

A new addition since last update will be a stall for all those modelmakers - featuring kits and the numerous parts that hobby specialist stores used to carry.

Here are some more pix of the boys in action today.
Cheers from Tele Point
in the extreme northern suburbs of
Port Macquarie

20th August 2011, 04:49 PM
So thats where Princess Beatrice copied her hat for the recent wedding from LOL the clock.:;

All booked in Tom 4 days Coffs 2 nights Port.:2tsup:

Sue just spotted that tools will be on sale ............I guess I'll have the credit card confiscated.

21st August 2011, 11:10 AM
Should be able to make it.

Scribbly Gum
22nd August 2011, 09:08 PM
Should be able to make it.

Pop over and say hello Bob.
I'll likely be on the old tools table.
Ask anyone where the old tool is.

Scribbly Gum
1st September 2011, 11:46 PM
Only three weeks to go until the show and exhibition.
Don't forget that there will be other things to see and do while you are in Port Macquarie.
The Australian Photographic Society will be running APSCON at the Glasshouse from 24-30 September.
APSCON 2011 Port Macquarie, NSW (http://www.a-p-s.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=484&Itemid=238)

Here is a link to one of Port Macquarie's best photographers - Rob Smith AAPS

Wowfactorpix (http://www.predatek.com/wowfactorpix/photos/portmac/)

Rob's work is renowned among photographers in Australia and he is one of the co-ordinators of APSCON 2011.

The HWWG members are all hard at work in preparations for the Woodworking Show.
Hope to see you there.

Don't forget to bring your camera.


Scribbly Gum
5th September 2011, 09:22 AM
For those who are thinking of coming up to Port Macquarie for the Show and staying overnight - here is a brief list of some accommodation available. There are many more.
Booking.com: 24 hotels in Port Macquarie, Australia. Book your hotel now! (http://www.booking.com/city/au/port-macquarie.en.html?aid=306395;label=port-macquarie-7CeFBvyKpsq1DzbWaGIvBAS5595430709;ws=&gclid=COiv4rLKhKsCFWJMpgodu0vkbw)

Here are some more pix of a few of the members getting ready for the big weekend:

Scribbly Gum
17th September 2011, 06:51 PM
OK only a week to go.
If you are in the area of Port Macquarie over next weekend - Friday through Sunday 23-25 September you will enjoy not only the HWWG Exhibition but also all that Port Macquarie has to offer.
See here:
Things to See & Do in Port Macquarie (http://www.portmacquarieinfo.com.au/explore/default.aspx)

The weather has been superb over the last days, 15-28 degrees today.
Mmmm - perfect!

Hope to see you there.

Panthers Port Macquarie (http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=where+is+Port+macquarie+Panthers&fb=1&gl=au&hq=Panthers&hnear=0x6b9dfe25f4aad575:0x40609b49043a760,Port+Macquarie+NSW&cid=2672317901872121821&ei=VlB0TsGDGYT4mAX-ku3-DA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=photo-link&cd=1&resnum=1&ved=0CDEQnwIoADAA)


Scribbly Gum
22nd September 2011, 05:13 PM
Righteeeooo - here we go.
We have spent all of today setting up for the annual exhibition and doesn't it look like a beauty.
Opens tomorrow at 9:00am at Port Panthers Bay Street Port Macquarie.
I had a browse across the antiques and collectibles tools tables, and there are some real bargains as well as lots of high end collectables - and plenty in the middle. A surprising number of electric tools as well - routers, sanders etc all in good nick.
Some really stunning wood turning this year and lots more.
There will be demos, lucky door prizes and a generally great time.
Hope we see you there.
I'm on the tools tables, so come on over and say hello and introduce yourself. Tool tables are up in front of the stage.

Scribbly Gum
23rd September 2011, 07:23 PM
What a great day, and still two to go.
Best Friday crowd we have ever had, and tomorrow is traditionally our biggest day.
Got to meet Wheelinaround and his lovely wife today and he figures in a couple of the pix that I had time to take.
Here is a sample:

24th September 2011, 06:50 PM
My 11,000th post goes to these guy's Hastings Woodworkers.

A week at Coffs Harbour for R&R with not even the laptop there's another story in that week alone will post elsewhere.

Ok so Friday morning Sue and while driving to Panthers at Port where the exhibition was held discussing what we may expect of a holiday retirement seaside resort country hick group of Woodworkers. :roll: Would we be there 15 mins walk in around or 2 hrs :rolleyes:

5hrs later including a short very short lunch break we departed :o


We walked in the doors to friendly greeting and pointed to the raffle prize would we buy tickets we did.

Got to see SG, Tony Morton, Peter aka Ozartizan (aka Sydney Weekender star), members of Hastings who are considering building a Rose Engine (I said I would be there).Meeting the President Robert Miles and seeing his CNC machine working (3 shows I have been to recently and only one working), The Offical Opening. Then table after table after table of 1st class woodwork of all sorts. Meeting the lovely Helen Harris
and hubby (sorry forgot his name) bought some new coping saw blades, New England Woodworking Supplies.

Was Sue bored :no: the local ladies combined to bring in craft, pottery and art works also, not forgetting Sue does a bit of woodwork herself.

Photo's well they will come as we have only been home since 2ish, and film needs to be developed although Sue was taking digital pics also, I have video.:U

This morning if it had not been raining we would have returned for a short period where I would have parted with some $$$$ on tools.:; Sorry SG and Peter.

Now would we return heck yeh it can only get bigger and better.


24th September 2011, 10:42 PM
Got time to download Sue's digital these have been reduced to suit the forum sorry about quality.

1st pic says it all or does it at least I have seen Woodstock Heaven :U

Ok the rest are all of Hastings show and these are just a few.

24th September 2011, 10:48 PM
More of the show and Port Macquarie as the sunsets. Wis we had time to stay for the photographic we were taking to a fellow who was and he was telling us of what was in the line up. I had heard from the motel when we booked a car show was to be on damn all 3 interests in one place over a weekend and just can't spread ourselves that far around.

Thanks again to Hastings Members all whom we spoke to and there were a lot of them some 25 if we counted right doing shifts in the 5hrs we were there:2tsup:

Edited to add
Photo 1 Tony Morton
photo 3 guess who's planes for sale
photo 5 I await the phone call for the raffle prize this beaut mirror with hidden lights

photo6 & 7 the boardwalk as the sunsets.

24th September 2011, 11:05 PM
The CNC plate/plaque which was being produced

Scribbly Gum
25th September 2011, 06:22 PM
I am so glad that you and Sue enjoyed the Exhibition Ray. It always gives us a great deal of pleasure putting it on. I'm sure that you can imagine how much goes into an event like this one - and wouldn't you know it - it bucketted down as we were trying to pack up this afternoon.
I got called home to fallen branches and power outage. We are back online now.
Thank you for your kind words and for sharing the photos.
I'll add some that I took over the three days.

Scribbly Gum
25th September 2011, 06:27 PM
More Pix:

Scribbly Gum
25th September 2011, 06:30 PM
And some more:

25th September 2011, 06:32 PM
SG when going through Lauriton we spotted a Woodturners gallery on road to Kew but guess it was closed as he was at the show. Any idea who it might be??:U

25th September 2011, 06:35 PM
It's great to see the photos and read the comments. From the faces of the club members it's obvious that you all had a great time. Well done.


Scribbly Gum
25th September 2011, 07:14 PM
SG when going through Lauriton we spotted a Woodturners gallery on road to Kew but guess it was closed as he was at the show. Any idea who it might be??:U
Thanks Peter.
I'm not sure about the gallery Ray, I'll ask about and see if I can find out for you. It's not one of our club members though.
I didn't hear who won the raffle - only that the contact was a mobile phone number and address not given. So we might be freighting the mirror off to the winner. We've done it before I believe.
We will be making donations to the Guide Dogs Association and to Cancer research this year as our major charities.
We would like to thank Port Macquarie Panthers for their generous sponsorship of our Exhibition, and for making the Auditorium available to us for the last four days. It is this kind of Community involvement that helps communities like ours to stay vibrant and to flourish.

Tony Morton
25th September 2011, 11:13 PM
Hi Everyone
Yes a graet weekend of woodies at the Panthers talked to a lot of interesting people sale were on the quiet side but a great promotion of our clubs skills and comunity support . Wheelin the Gallery on Kew road at Laurieton is Chriss Curtises was a member but with Taree club now I think from Sydney originly.

cheers Tony

26th September 2011, 10:05 AM
Hi Everyone
Yes a graet weekend of woodies at the Panthers talked to a lot of interesting people sale were on the quiet side but a great promotion of our clubs skills and comunity support . Wheelin the Gallery on Kew road at Laurieton is Chriss Curtises was a member but with Taree club now I think from Sydney originly.

cheers Tony

Thanks Tony :2tsup: thought it might have been Bobr's

30th September 2011, 12:42 AM
SG when going through Lauriton we spotted a Woodturners gallery on road to Kew but guess it was closed as he was at the show. Any idea who it might be??:UIf you went past the Woodturner then you went past me too. On the other side of the road 250m before the Kew Roundabout. Ida made you a coffee and maybe given you some of my Huon Pine stash....:D

30th September 2011, 08:58 AM
If you went past the Woodturner then you went past me too. On the other side of the road 250m before the Kew Roundabout. Ida made you a coffee and maybe given you some of my Huon Pine stash....:D


Man that hurts :C FREE Huon :doh:

So why didn't you go to the show :? I was sure I sent you a pm :rolleyes:

30th September 2011, 12:59 PM

Man that hurts :C FREE Huon :doh:

So why didn't you go to the show :? I was sure I sent you a pm :rolleyes:I was there Sunday from about 11 to 2 ish. Had to borrow a car as I'm on shanks' pony at the moment. :-

30th September 2011, 02:40 PM
I was there Sunday from about 11 to 2 ish. Had to borrow a car as I'm on shanks' pony at the moment. :-

Poor pony:U

30th September 2011, 03:20 PM
Poor pony:Uyour sympathy shines thru....not! Just means I can't visit ya and bring a gift of HP...suffer!! :wink:

30th September 2011, 05:42 PM
your sympathy shines thru....not! Just means I can't visit ya and bring a gift of HP...suffer!! :wink:

Hum :rolleyes: have mate that travels to Port often even he'd go out of his way for Huon :p

1st October 2011, 10:46 AM
Hum :rolleyes: have mate that travels to Port often even he'd go out of his way for Huon :pwhat a tragic!!:rolleyes: