View Full Version : Luna Lathe

Fred in Tassie
6th December 2004, 10:15 AM

I am seeking infomation on a Lathe by the name of Luna (Luna Royal) made in Sweden,(not the moon).

Has any Forum member had any experiences with these lathes. I would appreciate any comment.


6th December 2004, 11:46 AM

Good luck in your quest for advice. I have no experience of Luna lathes and unfortunately I cannot help you, but I do have a Luna W59 combination woodworking machine about 18-20 years old. It is a very solid and reliable machine (although one of the motors has needed rewiring).

Luna was very big in England about 20 years ago - every English woodworking magazine had full-page ads for several years. They made a wide range of serious-amateur/semi-professional grade gear. I bought mine at about that time from the then "Wood Works" when it was operated by Leon Sadubin at Thornleigh in Sydney. Some few years later Luna disappeared from the horizon. There is a company trading as Luna in Sweden at present but it doesn't seem to have any connection with the original maker of the woodworking machinery.

In recent years I have done numerous Internet searches for information about Luna. I have also made a number of postings on woodworking forums here and OS but without any real luck. I was merely seeking to get in touch with other users who might be able to point me towards suppliers of parts and accessories should I ever need them. I heard from one or two people with some helpful hints but mostly to the effect that they had resorted to having any necessary spare parts machined for them.

Good luck.

Oh, and by the way, if any other owner of a Luna saw or combination machine reads this thread I would still like to get in touch.

Michael O'M

Tony Morton
6th December 2004, 09:34 PM
Hi Fred
I to come from Tassie about forty years ago, I had a Luna 1000 till I upgraded to a stubby about four years ago, I found it quite a good lathe better than a lot of what is around today in the cheaper class although I paid about $900 and something for it in about 1984 or five it served me wel till I purchased a vicmarc chuch and started turning heavy and out of ballance work. It was always noisy which annoyed me but then it was the best available to me. When I bought the stubby I sold it to a mate as a starter he put a variable speed on it and now only uses it for spindle work. Hope i have been of help.
Cheers tony

Fred in Tassie
7th December 2004, 04:41 PM
Thanks Michael & Tony

The Lathe I have my eye on was made in Sweden. I have no idea of the age, however it looks like it will last a life time it is mainly a copy lathe, but can also be used as a normal Lathe.

I will let you know how I progress, thanks again
