View Full Version : Line appearing on face

25th April 2011, 07:32 PM
Attached is a procedural shot of a pretty basic leg I'm trying to draw. It's on a 5deg lean to the right (the bottom and top are made horizontal to that angle) and the top also has a 5deg tilt rising from front to back. When I do that last angle (by highlighting the side lines of the top and rotating them) I get a most frustrating line pop up on the front and back faces.

I've tried a bunch of different techniques to move bits around but it's always happening now and I swear at some stage today I was able to do it properly. What am I doing wrong?


25th April 2011, 08:18 PM
When you delete the spurious line does it delete a face? If you delete both triangular faces and then drag a pencil along one of the edges does that remake the face?

If that doesn't work you could intersect two planes at the correct angles for top and bottom of the leg, that should give it to you.

You could post a sketchup file and I'll have a look at it.

25th April 2011, 08:39 PM
Hmm. It seems like a bit of a kludge, but intersecting with another model (a big cube) seems to work...kinda :) Once I remove the "offcuts" I have to draw the top face back on.

A solution is a solution I guess. Thanks mic :U

25th April 2011, 08:42 PM
Yep just tried it and it works, but I used two planes, a horizontal ground plane and a plane tilted 5º front to rear. Glad to help.

Didn't need to redraw face after deleting offcuts either???

26th April 2011, 03:43 AM

I hope I correctly understood your problem, since my English is not always so good.

Anyway, what I'd do to solve that issue of the appearing line is just to pick up the rear side of the top (the part that must climb) and move it until it intercepts the construction line tilted by 5°. In this case you don't have to intersect models and the procedure is quite simple to apply.

Tilting the whole top as you did implies a modification of the entire model, not only the tilt of the top.

Hope that was what you needed.

I attached a couple of pics from your file.