View Full Version : Men's (community) Shed in Roleystone

30th April 2011, 11:53 AM
There was a meeting last week involving interested residents of Roleystone (Perth WA), the council and Bendigo Bank.
I wasnt able to attend but the report I had from a friend who did was encouraging.
We may have a patch of land in the offing and a proposal that we approuch the Education dept about some land at the old primary school which is being moved.
In the meantime the Men's nights in my shed are continuing on a monthly basis and the next will hopefully feature a chap Ive just met who has a foundry in his back garden. He lives 3 doors away. :2tsup:
These nights are more social and for encouragement rather than specific projects, however we now have a major restoration project in the form of a horizontal bandsaw that needs total rebuild.
Ive discovered that acme threaded rod and matching nuts are dammed expensive:doh: and quite hard to locate. Hopefully that will be the only major expense.

2nd May 2011, 05:00 PM
Hi Hybridfiat.
Keep plugging away for your Men's Shed.
It will happen, but putting it together takes a bit of time and lots of community input.
Very pleased to hear you have given your own space for an informal start to the "shed".
"Foundry in the back yard". Sounds very interesting.
Good luck.


27th May 2011, 07:37 PM
We had our Men's Night and it was cold. Real cold! I now have a Kent fire installed in the shed. Peter showed us his foundry and we all froze. Still it was interesting to listen to someone who has a passion for life and the work of his hands.
Ill have to post some pics of the shed.
Next sat we have a guy who was in the SAS who is going to demonstrate some survival techniques.
Its all good