View Full Version : Am I brave or stupid

Phil Spencer
6th May 2011, 04:04 PM
I got the wife a Bunnies gift card for Mothers Day, was this a good move was I acting stupidly or am I brave!!

6th May 2011, 04:44 PM
It depends on the value of the card. If it's only for $50, she'll think you want her to buy herself a new electric iron and she'll likely brain you with the damned thing. However, if it's for $500, then she'll be hard pressed to buy anything for herself at Bunnies' to that value and she'll probably hand it over to you for being so generous and thoughtful. Thereby you will score a free $500 spree at Bunnies' without the usual domestic discord when buying tools etc. for yourself.

Cliff Rogers
6th May 2011, 05:05 PM
I went to Bunnies with my Mum, let her pick out 3 plants & then I took them off her & paid for them.... easy. :D

6th May 2011, 05:38 PM
Phil :2tsup: Electrical :- lights, heaters, irons, new stove.
Plants : depending on store endless + what she gets of you always but in bags
Craft section art +
Paint you get to use it redecorating
Kitchen section

If she says she was hoping for silver or diamonds then your safe also Silver solder and Diamond sharpening stones :;

We await to see if your still posting Monday ......:U

6th May 2011, 06:46 PM
I got the wife a Bunnies gift card for Mothers Day, was this a good move was I acting stupidly or am I brave!!

Brave or stupid? What if it's both? :D Often is for me.:wink:

I would like to say that you may have given your wife access to $$$ worth of paint and/or plants.
She'll be happy.......


Phil Spencer
8th May 2011, 09:25 AM
Brave or stupid? What if it's both? :D Often is for me.:wink:

I would like to say that you may have given your wife access to $$$ worth of paint and/or plants.
She'll be happy.......


She is planning what she is going to buy in the nursery section, she was supprised at first and suspicious, now is looking forward to the trip to Bunnies.

8th May 2011, 09:30 AM
Your a sly old dog Phil while she roams the plants your roaming tools section :; Her $50 voucher won't come near your MC bill :U

Phil Spencer
8th May 2011, 10:31 AM
Your a sly old dog Phil while she roams the plants your roaming tools section :; Her $50 voucher won't come near your MC bill :U

Shhhh don't tell her