View Full Version : Australian woodturning exhibition

Allan at Wallan
19th June 2011, 10:19 PM
I spent a couple of hours selling raffle tickets at the Exhibition and
again thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Met a few friends from the various woodies fraternities and shared
some comments regarding the outstanding entries on display.

Took a few photos just to show the vast array of ideas but did not
have time to write down the winners. I will attach four at a time and
see if they load ok.


Allan at Wallan
19th June 2011, 10:23 PM
Here are some more.


Allan at Wallan
19th June 2011, 10:29 PM
A few more to look at.


Allan at Wallan
19th June 2011, 10:32 PM
And still they come.


Allan at Wallan
19th June 2011, 10:37 PM
And the last three.

All photos taken with my "el-cheapo Kodak" digital
without using a tripod or flash. Hope they prove suitable.


20th June 2011, 12:22 AM
Very nice. Thankyou for your time in showing them. There are some great pieces there.

20th June 2011, 09:25 AM
Thanks for taking the photos, and making the effort to post here. It's appreciated by those who couldn't make it there in person.

20th June 2011, 03:43 PM
:2tsup: Thanls Allan nice to see others efforts, I see a familiar segemented bowl

20th June 2011, 05:18 PM
I went on Friday and I was amazed at some of the turnings, must have been very difficult for the judges (one of them our own ) to decide on the winners.

I was particularly impressed with the Doughnut Sculptures in the Identical Pair created by Lois Green. It was made of Silky Oak/Silver Ash/Purple Heart little pieces laminated together into little rings, turned inside and outside, then laminated into two identical interlocking doughnuts.

She also gracefully spent some time with me explaining how it was done.

A great effort by everyone.


20th June 2011, 07:39 PM
I was particularly impressed with the Doughnut Sculptures in the Identical Pair created by Lois Green. It was made of Silky Oak/Silver Ash/Purple Heart little pieces laminated together into little rings, turned inside and outside, then laminated into two identical interlocking doughnuts.

I believe this can be seen in the background of the 3rd photo posted above.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th June 2011, 07:46 PM
Sadly, not only did I not make it into the Exhibition but my entry is - even as I type - still sitting on my lathe. :sigh:

So thanks. Allan, for my first look at the offerings! :2tsup:

Anybody know who won which categories? The AWE website (http://www.theaustralianwoodturningexhibition.com) doesn't appear to have been updated yet.

(Impatience can be a virtue. Honestly! :innocent: )

20th June 2011, 07:53 PM
Fantastic variety, thank you for sharing.

David Mitchell
20th June 2011, 10:59 PM
Thanks Allan for posting the pictures.
Which was your entry:?
I was going to enter but like Skew my job is still sitting on the bench not finished :-

Allan at Wallan
21st June 2011, 10:02 AM
Thanks Allan for posting the pictures.
Which was your entry:?
I was going to enter but like Skew my job is still sitting on the bench not finished :-

I did enter ... at the front door :D

Maybe next year David, still trying to improve my turning.


21st June 2011, 01:22 PM
Thanks Allan.
They look great. Especially from Cliff's work!

tea lady
21st June 2011, 06:49 PM
I had some things in. None of which Allan has managed to photograph! :doh: :shrug: Didn't win anything!:rolleyes: But 2 of the pieces made it through the first cut in the judging, so got an actual mark! :cool:

Sawdust Maker
21st June 2011, 08:37 PM
First - lets talk about the photography - thanks for doing it on whatever equipment you had on hand :2tsup: But can you please get one of these (http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/prod6329.htm)for the next outing :D unless you want a Nikon, but then you're on your own :rolleyes:

Seriously - some extremely great work there, some of which I've seen posted on these discussion groups. Very nice work

TL - better luck next year

21st June 2011, 09:03 PM
Hi Skew,
This is what the Winners Sheet said.
Special Awards - 2011.

Best of Show ----------------------------- Keith Towe.
Best Intermediate ------------------------ John Pickles.
Best Novice ------------------------------- Herbert Betz
Best Eucalypt ----------------------------- Paul Barton
Best Acacia Open ------------------------ Andrew Potocnik
Best Eucalypt Intermediate ------------- Alan McIndoe.
Best Acacia Intermediate --------------- Bob Petts.
Best Eucalypt Novice -------------------- Ben Enthoven.
Best Acacia Novice ---------------------- Donal Kelman.
Peter Robson Award --------------------- Keith Towe.
Wood Art Open --------------------------- Paul Barton.
Wood Art Intermediate ------------------- Paul Healy.
Wood Art Novice ------------------------- Peter Oppenheim.

There was also a Student Award as well.

tea lady
21st June 2011, 10:55 PM
:hmm: What about the "segmented" section? Although I know who won that! :U

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st June 2011, 11:01 PM
Thanks, Issatree.

There're a few sections missing, but that's a good start. :2tsup: Even better to know a few of my fellow club members did well!

It feels very, very odd not so see Ken's name predominating the list! :U

:hmm: What about the "segmented" section? Although I know who won that! :U

Do tell!?

21st June 2011, 11:02 PM
Well, now that you mentioned it T.L. I also know who won the segmented section. :B :D.

tea lady
21st June 2011, 11:31 PM
Well, now that you mentioned it T.L. I also know who won the segmented section. :B :D.
JimSo you got home alright then? :D Did you take any red gum with you? :U

Skew ChiDAMN!!
21st June 2011, 11:33 PM

21st June 2011, 11:49 PM
Yes T.L. we got home Monday afternoon. Air lines closed today, pity we could have annoyed some people a bit longer.. :D. No, red gum didn't excite me at all. But then the chisels I used were not very well sharpened..

21st June 2011, 11:58 PM

22nd June 2011, 01:52 AM
Hi Skew,
As I was told, Ken never entered ?

22nd June 2011, 10:12 AM
More images of the inspiring weekend.

Allan at Wallan
22nd June 2011, 04:57 PM
First - lets talk about the photography - thanks for doing it on whatever equipment you had on hand :2tsup: But can you please get one of these (http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/prod6329.htm)for the next outing :D unless you want a Nikon, but then you're on your own :rolleyes:

Seriously - some extremely great work there, some of which I've seen posted on these discussion groups. Very nice work

TL - better luck next year

I do have a Nikon (F301s) SLR but have trouble getting 100 ASA film
around this neck of the woods. Have to chase around for a week to
find any nowadays. :2tsup:


22nd June 2011, 05:08 PM
Hi Skew,
As I was told, Ken never entered ?
Thats correct I didn't enter.
I was a member of the committee running the exhibition and was unable to get anything put in place to make judging consistent and fair for all entrants. I resigned from the committee and didn't enter this year. Since leaving I believe that some attempt has been made to improve judging standards. I will wait and see.

Allan at Wallan
22nd June 2011, 08:30 PM
Even though Ken did not enter this year he showed us one of his
latest creations at the club last week. It is now on it's way overseas
and unfortunately the wood turning fraternity here will miss out on seeing it.

Get back to the front Ken!

Trust you can join in next year and display your talents
to all Aussies.:2tsup:


22nd June 2011, 08:48 PM
Hi All,
Yes, I agree with Alan, & Thank you Ken for the info.

Tim the Timber Turner
23rd June 2011, 02:40 PM
I missed out on the prize list again this year.:no:

Could be because I didn't enter anything.:)



24th June 2011, 11:30 AM
But Tim, you would enter if you were closer to Melbourne, right?
Jim :U

Tim the Timber Turner
24th June 2011, 12:23 PM
Hi Jim:)

I have got a couple of second places in years past.

Vic Wood and I share the same distinction.

Neither of us has ever won a first prize in the Australian Woodturning Competition.

I guess theer are plenty of woodturners that can say the same thing

I did beat Vic into second place once and I like to remind him of that occasionally.

