View Full Version : spalting logs

2nd July 2011, 05:09 PM
hi guys ,
i didn't want hi jack cornucopia's thread ,but i just put a elm log on it's
end under the house in a damp and dark spot,left it for about 6 months
and hey presto


2nd July 2011, 08:01 PM
I like!!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

3rd July 2011, 05:07 PM
Good result.

One recipe I tried with elm was to let a bottle of yogurt grow green mould in the fridge and then paste it over a blank, wrap in plakky bag and let sit.

Got a bit of spalting but nothing like yours.

It was in Melb. Prob not warm enough, or long enough.

3rd July 2011, 05:52 PM
i tried another method of wrapping the blank with cling wrap
made a hole in the corner and filled with water,sealed it up and
placed in several plastic bags for a few months now but no splating
yet :~ :?

3rd July 2011, 05:53 PM
That is a lovely piece of timber.
Would like to know, was the log green when you stored it?
If it was green did you seal the endgrain at all?

3rd July 2011, 07:03 PM
hi charlie
yes the log was green,just placed on the soil/dirt under the house
on end ,no sealer used,it grew lots of mould and fungi came out of it
very soft on the bottom i almost threw it out,the base i had to leave
fairly chunky cos it was very punky :oo:
regards smiife

3rd July 2011, 07:12 PM
here are some recipes for spalting timber, hope they are of help

Russ's Corner: A WoodCentral Archive (http://www.woodcentral.com/russ/russ4.shtml)

Articles about Spalting Wood from Woodturning Online (http://www.woodturningonline.com/Turning/Turning_articles.php?catid=24)


Sawdust Maker
3rd July 2011, 09:03 PM
can't see the piccies

can see it now (dunno what the difference is/was)

nice spalting, don't mind the shape either

3rd July 2011, 09:14 PM
The first recipe should be taken of the net. How dare they say use good beer to make a piece of wood rot.

robo hippy
5th July 2011, 05:04 AM
I saw a demo by a guy who likes Monkey Puzzle trees, and he would take the log pieces, put them out on his lawn, end grain down, cover it for about a week, and the spaulting was spectacular. Climate is damp/wet Pacific Northwest, almost in Canada.

robo hippy