View Full Version : result of hands on weekend with giulio marcolongo

2nd August 2011, 09:57 PM
hi guys
last month we were lucky enough to get giulio marcolongo up to mackay for a 1 day demo and a 3 day hands on workshop
it was amazing heres a few items i made over the 3 days
first is a red cedar glider bowl ( giulio's trademarked bowls )
the second is a small burdiken plum glider box with a cocobolo finial
both glider bowl/box only touch on 3 points
both item are not fully sanded or finished the red cedar pics are a bit blurry will post some more tomorrow
and the other items we made were some bangles and pendants from burdiken plum
i also got him to show me how he makes his signature pepper mills with a piece of burdiken plum will post pics of that also tomorrow as pics i had taken to crappy
thanks for looking

Cliff Rogers
2nd August 2011, 10:12 PM
Nice stuff. :2tsup:

2nd August 2011, 10:54 PM
We're dragging Guilio out here to Emerald this weekend for a 2 day session. 6 blanks on the wish list but I don't know if we'll have time to turn all of them. What other projects did you tackle Troy??

2nd August 2011, 11:04 PM
We're dragging Guilio out here to Emerald this weekend for a 2 day session. 6 blanks on the wish list but I don't know if we'll have time to turn all of them. What other projects did you tackle Troy??
we were going to do a offset bowl but a heap of us only has mini lathes so he told everybody to keep making bangles and pendants i asked him to show me how to make a pepper mill and he did his signature mill will post pics tomorrow arvo
oh and by the way have a good time this weekend
ps he loves scones :D

2nd August 2011, 11:39 PM
Nice work.

4th August 2011, 10:28 AM
Very nice.:2tsup:

4th August 2011, 10:39 AM
Very nice. :2tsup: