View Full Version : My all wood "tin can" banjo!

tea lady
16th August 2011, 11:19 PM
On this last weekend I took part in SATurn. A whole weekend of fun AND wood turning! :D This year's theme was anything to do with music. I must have been reading Groggy's by line a bit often. Cos it struck me that I should make a tin can banjo.:rolleyes: And cos tin cans are round I thought that maybe I could make the tin can bit out of turned wood too! :U did his usual shaking head in disbelief. :B And said "So you are making a practice one aren't you? " "Ok! Ok! I'll make a practice one." Which I did last weekend. Kinda pleased I did cos there's a few tricky bits. :rolleyes: But on I plowed undeterred! :cool: At SATurn I had not only but a whole room of blokes going "you're making a what? " So here's what I did. :U Still needs a bit of tweaking to play properly. Its fretless, cos Jeez I only had one weekend! :rolleyes: (But I do have frets for the next one.:cool: ) The doodad that hold the strings needs a better bit of string to hold it off the sound board. And one of the tuning pegs is too loose. Not to mention the shape of the tuning pegs knobs being a little on the painful side! And its only got 4 strings cos........ just cos! :p

The woods, for those so inclined are; Silky Oak, Blackwood, some sort of cedar, a bit of firewood for the string holding doodad, Spotted gum tuning pegs, something starting with b for the bridge (:rolleyes:) and dunno wood for the fret board! :D Just finished with white shellac!

16th August 2011, 11:50 PM
Ingenious, well done. :2tsup:


16th August 2011, 11:51 PM
That's a classic. :2tsup:

How does it sound?

Skew ChiDAMN!!
16th August 2011, 11:57 PM

And it seems like only last week someone was asking "who can turn platters for my teacups?" :D

That is nice! I can't help but wonder how it'll sound after you finish tweaking it...

17th August 2011, 12:18 AM
Wonderful! :thyel: Do you play, or is it just an ornament?

tea lady
17th August 2011, 12:51 AM
Wonderful! :thyel: Do you play, or is it just an ornament?
Well.... I use to be able to play guitar. And I bought a book! :D And I'm not stopping till I can play Cripple Creek!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
17th August 2011, 12:54 AM
And I'm not stopping till I can play Cripple Creek!

Is that anything like Cripple Mr Onion? :innocent:

Ed Reiss
17th August 2011, 01:48 AM
Cool build, TL :2tsup:

17th August 2011, 09:16 AM
If there's no .mp3 file of how it sounds, it didn't happen! :cool: Isn't that how it goes????

You should name it "No Fear". I'd never have been game to tackle such an idea :B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . even if it didn't happen :;

Cliff Rogers
17th August 2011, 09:42 AM
Love the sound board. :2tsup:

17th August 2011, 10:11 AM
Awesome TL :2tsup:

Really love that silky oak. Looks sensational.

Though you could have done the neck as split turning so the back half is round but the front is flat. Dunno if that would work though :whatonearth:

Genuinely imperssed :cool:


17th August 2011, 10:13 AM
oops. looking more closely at the picks, I see you probably did do that with the neck :doh:

Tim the Timber Turner
17th August 2011, 11:25 AM
Tea Lady is being very modest.:B

She won the best in show award.:2tsup:

I'm not so modest.:no:

I won an award for worst in show.:oo:



17th August 2011, 05:41 PM
Gee AM !:o I like it a lot. Top marks for even attempting such a project under those conditions:U

Cliff Rogers
17th August 2011, 06:16 PM

I won an award for worst in show.:oo:.....
OK, where are the pics then? :D

Tim the Timber Turner
17th August 2011, 06:31 PM
Sorry Cliff.

Not worthy of wasting the camera battery power.

The challenge was to make something musical.

My entry was a log and a stick to hit it with.

However I did win a nice book.



tea lady
17th August 2011, 07:02 PM
oops. looking more closely at the picks, I see you probably did do that with the neck :doh:Its kinda what I did! Turned the neck part, then ripped it down the middle then turned a tenon on the bit that went into the body, and a twiddly bit on the top above where the pegs are. Drilled and chiseled out where the pegs are. There is another post inside the body that goes between the neck and the twiddly bit that the string doodad gets tied too. (Which by the way was a traditional way they strung them. Usually made out of bone or something! :cool: ) (And yes they are technical terms.:p )

tea lady
17th August 2011, 07:06 PM
Sorry Cliff.

Not worthy of wasting the camera battery power.

The challenge was to make something musical.

My entry was a log and a stick to hit it with.

However I did win a nice book.


Tim:)I think he was marked down cos he didn't use a lathe! :D

I now have a lovely set of sanding disks and a sanding pad. I will think of Tim every time I sand! :rolleyes: Its always my favourite bit after all! :C


18th August 2011, 06:45 AM
tea lady that is amazing :2tsup::2tsup: well done any time someone tells you you can't do it bring it out and show them :D

Ad de Crom
18th August 2011, 06:59 AM
Tea lady, I have to say, wowwwwww, that's wonderful.
Something else than a cup and saucer :)
Really super :2tsup::2tsup:

18th August 2011, 08:58 AM
Hi TL,

quick question for you - how thick is the timber in the silky oak and the tin can bit?


tea lady
18th August 2011, 04:51 PM
Hi TL,

quick question for you - how thick is the timber in the silky oak and the tin can bit?

Dave:think: I think the sound board would be 4 ish mm thick> :hmm: The body maybe 6 mm :shrug:

18th August 2011, 08:54 PM
Very cool :2tsup:

Sawdust Maker
20th August 2011, 09:20 AM
Very interesting TL
You're a lot gamer then me :2tsup:
The wood looks sensational

Did you really have to use honey dippers for the string tightener thingys? :doh:

20th August 2011, 01:25 PM
Was even better than the photos show...:2tsup:

Terry B
20th August 2011, 08:59 PM
Very clever TL
Now to hear it play

26th August 2011, 12:08 PM
Who cares if it plays. It is beautiful.

28th August 2011, 12:24 PM
good job,only one small porblem, no sound- holes, will sound like crap till you put one in.bob

am currently building a mountain dulcimer,never built anything like this before, good project to build though and easy to play when finished.....bob

28th August 2011, 04:26 PM
I think its terrific, well done. :2tsup:

tea lady
28th August 2011, 09:08 PM
good job,only one small porblem, no sound- holes, will sound like crap till you put one in.bob

am currently building a mountain dulcimer,never built anything like this before, good project to build though and easy to play when finished.....bob
:think: Yes! I wondered about sound holes. A banjo is of course all sound hole at the back. It did sound OK though! :shrug: Maybe not as loud as it could be. I am a bit reluctant to put holes in the silky oak. Maybe I could put the sound holes in the back instead. :hmm:

Cliff Rogers
29th August 2011, 10:04 AM
The new trick it to put one in the top so the player gets 'fold back' like this.

tea lady
29th August 2011, 06:18 PM
:think: Oh yes! Then it won't get muffled either! :cool:

Cliff Rogers
29th August 2011, 10:02 PM
:think: Oh yes! Then it won't get muffled either! :cool: