View Full Version : Power Hacksaw

4th September 2011, 08:15 AM
Are power hacksaws supposed to cut on the forward stroke or backstroke.?:)

4th September 2011, 08:52 AM
They cut on the forward stroke, most good makes of power hacksaws lift the blade slightly on the backward stroke to save the blade.

4th September 2011, 10:49 AM
MIne cuts on the backward stroke,
Blade lift on forward.
Work out on which stroke the blade is lifted and put the teeth so they cut going the other way.

4th September 2011, 12:51 PM
Which way if forward?
My opinion is they should cut in the direction of the fixed jaw of the vice. On every power hacksaw I've seen this means the con rod is in tension. Others have reported using them "the other way" and have had no problems.


4th September 2011, 09:37 PM
Well I thought that as well , but my Parkanson cuts on the forward stroke , and I've seen a number of U tube clips where some cut on the back stroke and some on the forward .

I posted the question to a metal work forum and it was suggested to time the cut ,forward and back ward the fastest time to complete the cut is the correct direction. So that is what I did.
The lift will work in both directions of cut ,as it did on my machine.
